


2016-08-08 00:00:00浏览:
如flexible working “弹遥工作制”,指雇员可以相对遥地选择工作起止时间的机制。
I am much happier now I am a _________.
I prefer working for myself rather than a company.
a) volunteer b) nine-to-fiver c) employee d) freelancer 2.
I am so busy; I never the leave the office before nine pm.
I am completely _________.
a) snowed under with work b) throwing a spanner in the works c) going like clockwork d) working myself into a lather 3.
In the UK, new mums usually have the right to take up to 39 weeks of _________.
a) mum time b) paternity leave c) maternity leave d) baby leave 4.
A _________ is an informal term for an agreement between an employer and an employeewhen the working hours are not guaranteed to a fixed amount.
a) part-time job b) zero-hours contract c) full-time job d) freelance contract 5.
I hate the way my boss is always checking every little detail of my work.
I can't stand to be_________.
a) bullied b) harrassed c) micromanaged d) made redundant 6.
I once dated a guy from work, but it didn't work out, so I would avoid _________ in future.
a) an office romance b) a work love c) a factory affair d) a workplace infatuation 答案 1) d, 2) a, 3) c, 4) b, 5) c, 6) a.