职场英语搭配经,常见的职场英语表达方式在工作场景中,有许多出现频率很高的固定搭配。 如flexible working
“弹遥工作制”,指雇员可以相对遥地选择工作起止时间的机制。 你知道“产假”、“细节微观管理”等惯用搭配的英文说法吗? 《英语小测验》帮助你快速掌握一些和工作有关的常用表达。
1. I am much happier now I am a _________. I prefer working for myself rather
than a company.
a) volunteer
b) nine-to-fiver
c) employee
d) freelancer
2. I am so busy; I never the leave the office before nine pm. I am completely
a) snowed under with work
b) throwing a spanner in the works
c) going like clockwork
d) working myself into a lather
3. In the UK, new mums usually have the right to take up to 39 weeks of
a) mum time
b) paternity leave
c) maternity leave
d) baby leave
4. A _________ is an informal term for an agreement between an employer and
an employeewhen the working hours are not guaranteed to a fixed amount.
a) part-time job
b) zero-hours contract
c) full-time job
d) freelance contract
5. I hate the way my boss is always checking every little detail of my work.
I can't stand to be_________.
a) bullied
b) harrassed
c) micromanaged
d) made redundant
6. I once dated a guy from work, but it didn't work out, so I would avoid
_________ in future.
a) an office romance
b) a work love
c) a factory affair
d) a workplace infatuation
1) d, 2) a, 3) c, 4) b, 5) c, 6) a.