5.8欢舞节日,让你遥跳到痛快nothing whatsoever to do with fur, the name of the furry dance as practiced
every may in helston1, cornwall2 is likely derived from the old cornish3 word
“fer,” meaning “rejoicing. ”
在康沃尔郡赫尔斯顿镇,每年的5月都庆祝“欢庆舞节”。 欢庆舞节这个名字中的furry一词其实和fur毫无关系。 它很可能是来源于古凯尔特语中的一个词fer,是“欢庆”的意思。
to do “the furry,” hundreds of local couples line up on the sidewalk, one
behind the other in orderly fashion. as the town band plays a traditional tune,
the dancers form a graceful human stream that winds up and down the streets and
flows around corners even through the front doors of shops and out the back;
the dancers' footsteps are said to bring good luck. this spectacle transpires4
four times during the day, with well over a thousand helstonians participating
and several thousand outoftowners gathered in the gaily5 decorated streets to
watch. the first dance, beginning at 7 a. m. , is for young couples only. the
midmorning dance is for schoolchildren. the formal noon processional is the main
event, with the men in top hats and frock coats6, the women in gowns7.
outoftowners can at last join in the final dance just before dusk.
为了跳“欢庆舞”,数以百计的当地民众结成舞伴,一对一对整齐地排在人行道上。 当镇上的乐队奏起传统乐曲时,跳舞的人就形成了一股缓缓流动的人流。 这人流沿着街道到处流动,流过角角落落——甚至从商店的前门流进,后门流出;据说跳舞人的脚步声能带来好运。 这一天会出现4次这样的奇观,有远远超过千名的赫尔斯顿人参加,还有数千外地人遥在装饰一新的大街上观看。 遥拨跳舞的是一对对年轻人,上午7点钟开始。 到10点钟左右,是小学生们跳舞的时间。 中午的正式队伍是主要的节目。 男士们头戴高顶大礼帽,身穿礼服大衣,女士们也身穿礼服。 快到遥昏时,外地人才终于可以加入到较后的跳舞行列了。
in 1790 gentleman's magazine reported on the rite8: “they assemble and dance
hand in hand round the streets. . . and thus continue. . . in the afternoon, the
local gentry9 go to some farm house and have tea, sillabub10 and other
refreshments and then return in a. . . dance to the town and dance throughout the
streets till dark