你肯定听过的各种善意谎言盘点Traumatised Reddit users have revealed the little white lies they were told
as children - and many believed until adulthood.
From being told they are allergic to sugar to threats that the plane will
turn around if they misbehave, the lies - often told by parents or by mean elder
siblings - left a lasting impression on the Reddit users.
Every parent wants the best for their child, but used extreme tactics to
encourage a healthy lifestyle.
One Reddit user was told the candy next to the checkout line at the
supermarket was not for sale.
My mom told me that rice cakes were cookies, one person wrote.
Mine went straight for telling me I was allergic to sugar, said another.
Other people were told lies by parents wanting some privacy in the bedroom -
and it was not until adulthood that they realised the real reason the door was
The door is locked because mummy was helping daddy hang a picture behind the
door and we did not want you to open it and hit us, one person wrote.
But its not just parents who fuel the rumour mill around the home.
"My sister, who is 13 years older than me, was angry when I lost my first
tooth and got a dollar, instead of the quarter she received when she lost her
first tooth," one person wrote.
"As I danced around in my pajamas holding my crisp new dollar bill, my sister
poked her head out of room and said, "Man, a dollar? Just wait until the leg
fairy comes, you will get, like, twenty dollars".
"When I said that I had never heard of this leg fairy, she explained that,
when my kid legs fall off and my adult legs start to grow in, I will have to
just kind of hop around on my butt for a year or so, but I will have the twenty
"I cried inconsolably for hours. "
Travelling with kids can be tough, so it is little wonder lies are told as a
way to make the journey more bearable.
One person was told if they misbehaved in the car, the car would be sad.
"Fast forward a year and I am tearfully telling the car that I am sorry he
has to go, but I am sure he will be a cool plane in his next life. "