


2016-10-09 00:00:00浏览:
少儿双语小故事:牛的缰绳A young girl lived in Ulsan, South Kyong-sang province.
南韩庆尚省南部的蔚山, She was very pretty but shs used rough language.
“Hey I’m hungry, give me something to eat!
” 女孩漂亮却总爱讲粗话,比如 She talked roughly and she spoke ill of other people.
” Elder people told her not to do so, but she didn't even care, “I’ll do as I want to do.
” 不仅如此,她对人态度也差。
She became 20 years old and was getting married.
转眼到了20岁该结婚的时候 The day before her wedding, her mother said to her, 母亲在婚礼的前一天跟她说: “Watch your language or you’ll be kicked out of the house.
” “以后注意自己的言行举止,否则会被婆家人赶出来的。
” She nodded.
She wanted to be loved by her parents-in-law.
女孩很想得到公公婆婆的喜爱, So she practised speaking in mild manner.
所以一直注意朝温文尔雅的方向转变, But it wasn’t easy to change at once.
One day when she was sewing with her mother-in-law, 一天,她和婆婆正在做针线活, there was a loud barking sound outside the room.
“Someone’s come, go and see who’s there.
” The mother in-law said.
” She rushed out and came back, 女孩急忙出去,回来说: “Something startled the ox out of the bridle.
“不知道什么吓到那老牛, It kept jumping out.
The dog saw this and kept barking.
” 老牛挣脱缰绳,上蹿下跳的,狗见了也跟着叫个不停。
” Tha mother-in-law was so surprise to hear this, she fell on her back.