

a river runs through it

2025-01-26 01:26:07
a river runs through itwe're doin' better this time
by apple juice.
Location: where the wild things are
Age: 17Sex : F
previous entry : M.
next entry: still running through it.

a river runs through it.

1) why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
to uh.
get to the other side.

2) how do butterflies get their wings?
they rip them off other butterflies and paste them onto themselves with rubber cement, obviously.

3) do you believe in smurfs?
i think that it's only important for one to believe in ones self

4) do you find midgets attractive?
i've seen a few attractive midgets in my day.

5) is your belly button an innie or an outie?
technically it would be considered an innie

6) dude, where's your car?
around the block.
when i say 'around the block' i mean 'non-existent'

7) if you could have x-ray vision for one person at school, who would it be?
glick, who else?

8) what would you do if you could be of the opposite sex for a day?
watch tv

9) do you ever dream of candy coated raindrops?
i cannot say that i have, i have however dreamt that i birthed johnny depps baby which turned out to be a fetal pig that i had to cut out of the membrane, pretty much the same thing, i believe

10) is britney spears a slut or just misunderstood?
she's just creative.

11) vouslez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
carver taught us that song, but because of my obviously superior french skills, i already knew it.

12) would rather have sex with a walrus or never have sex again?
i just had a very uncomfortable picture of someone having sex with a walrus, i imagine it would be quite slippery, but i guess you could always grab onto the tusks for support, i don't really know, i'm not talking from experience.
i promise.
(来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www.

13) you're trapped in an elevator with all 4 wayans brothers, and one gun with one bullet.
which one would you shoot?
what if i didn't want to shoot any of them?
silence the violence

14) would you rather watch a porno with your parents, or one starring your parents?
would i have to watch the porno of my parents with my parents?
cause that could get slightly uncomfortable.

15) whats a ballsack?
a testicle.

16) did/do you have a crush on any of your teachers?
see question 6

17) Do you still play with Legos?
i don't, well, only when i visit henry, we make some mad lego space stations, believe me

18) Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?
i would love to.

19) Have you ever stolen any road signs?
i never really saw the point in that, cause if you steal them you just like hang them on your wall or something and they serve absolutely no purpose what-so-ver, it would be a different story, however, if they were aesthetically pleasing, but they're not.
at all.

20) Have you ever touched yourself in a public place?
like areas of my my body that are public, like the opposite of private places(i.
things that are illegal to not have covered with an artical of clothing) i've probably touched public parts of my body, it's inevitable, i think.

21) Do strangers have the best candy?
i wouldn't know

22) Do you want fries with that?
with the candy?
suuure, bring it on.

23) Have you gone to a family reunion to pick up a date?
once or twice

24) have you ever found living creatures in your room (not people) bigger than a grasshopper?
i have all kinds of living creatures throughout the depths of my room, quite the menagerie

25) Have you yelled out nonsense in public places when it's quiet?
ah turrets.
