

The Transformation

2025-01-26 01:27:06
The Transformation The Transformation
by gregor.
sLocation: Urban Sprawl
Age: 30Sex : M
previous entry : Checking in (and out)

Recording Star10/30/2001
Hey, I don't know if anyone is even reading this anymore but what the hell.
I wanna tell someone!

When I published my therapy journals on that web-site the response was overwhelming.
The editor of the site did a great job and the creators all thanked and praised me.
It felt great!

We decided to take it a step further and record a reading of the journals for the site with added commentary and interview/dialogues.
After recording for about 5 hours one day we got alot of great material to work with and now we just have to edit and put the piece together.
I can't wait to see the finished product.

Life is humming along.

Don't be scared.
