

第五十二课 美国学校英语教学课程

2025-01-26 01:26:10浏览:
第五十二课 美国学校英语教学课程一.
本课要点及示例 在这一课里, 我们来复习以前教过的一些基本语法, 同时也谈一谈在美国学校 里的英语教学课程.
(来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www.
首先我们还是先听一段对话, 内容是说鲍勃和珍妮在校园里谈到了暑假里计 划作些什么.
M: Well, Jenny, the school year is almost over.
We just have two more weeks before exams.
What do you plan to do this summer?
F: I'm going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service program.
M: That sounds interesting.
Don't you need to speak a foreign language for a job like that?
F: No, you don't.
You just have to present the language simply and give the students a chance to practice speaking.
M: Come to think of it, that's the way I was taught to speak Chinese.
But speaking Chinese didn't help me learn to read and write Chinese.
F: My students won't want to read and write English, at least not now.
They are more interested in speaking.
M: You sound very knowledgeable about all this, How do you know so much?
F: I took a Teaching English as a Second Language course last year when you were in China.
I've also talked with the program administrators quite a lot.
I think I would like to be an ESL teacher when I graduate.
遥我们要复习的语法包括时态, 语态, 动词词组, 时间从句和形容词从句等 等.
M: Well, Jenny, the school year is almost over.
We just have two more weeks before exams.
What do you plan to do this summer?
F: I'm going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service program.
M: That sounds interesting.
Don't you need to speak a foreign language for a job like that?
F: No, you don't.
You just have to present the language simply and give the students a chance to practice speaking.
M: Come to think of it, that's the way I was taught to speak Chinese.
But speaking Chinese didn't help me learn to read and write Chinese.
F: My students won't want to read and write English, at least not now.
They are more interested in speaking.
M: You sound very knowledgeable about all this, How do you know so much?
F: I took a Teaching English as a Second Language course last year when you were in China.
I've also talked with the program administrators quite a lot.
I think I would like to be an ESL teacher when I graduate.
时态复习 遥我们开始作练习.
练习的作法是老师根据对话的 内容提出各种不同时态的问题, 请学生作肯定的答覆.
学生作练习的时候请你 也一起作, 并且特别注意时态的用法.
M: Is the school year almost over?
F: Yes, the school year is almost over.
M: Is Jenny talking to Bob?
F: Yes, Jenny is talking to Bob.
M: Has she gotten a job for the summer?
F: Yes, she has gotten a job for the summer.
M: Is she going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service program?
F: Yes, she is going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service program.
M: Will it be a helpful experience for her?
F: Yes, it will be a helpful experience for her.
M: Did she take an English as a Second Language course last year?
F: Yes, she took an English as a Second Language course last year.
M: Had she thought about being an ESL teacher before she took that course?
F: Yes, she had thought about being an ESL teacher before she took that course.
复习动词 + TO + 动词 下面我们复习动词加上 to, t-o, to 再加上动词的用法.
练习的内容说到遥到 美国之后需要学英文的原因.
练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 学生跟着说一 遍, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里.
这组练习里的 词汇都是以前学过的.
M: The immigrants would like to learn English.
M: enroll in an English class F: The immigrants would like to enroll in an English class.
M: need to F: The immigrants need to enroll in an English class.
M: make a living in the U.
F: The immigrants need to make a living in the U.
M: talk to people in English F: The immigrants need to talk to people in English.
M: want to F: The immigrants want to talk to people in English.
M: communicate with people in English F: The immigrants want to communicate with people in English.
M: resettle in the U.
F: The immigrants want to resettle in the U.
M: hope to F: The immigrants hope to resettle in the U.
M: establish themselves in the U.
F: The immigrants hope to establish themselves in the U.
M: become American citizens F: The immigrants hope to become American citizens.
复习表明时间的从句 下面我们复习用来表明时间的从句.
练习 的作法是老师提出问题,比方: "自从他们搬到美国以来, 他们学到了一些俗语 吗?
" Have they picked up some idiomatic expressions since they moved to the U.
请你跟学生一起作练习的时候特别注意时间从 句的用法.
M: Did some of them study English before they left their homelands?
F: Yes, some of them studied English before they left their homelands.
M: Did some of them enroll in school as soon as they resettled in the U.
F: Yes, some of them enrolled in school as soon as they resettled in the U.
M: Did some of them go to night school after they started working full time?
F: Yes, some of them went to night school after they started working full time.
M: Have they picked up some idiomatic expressions since they moved to the U.
F: Yes, some of them have picked up some idiomatic expressions since they moved to the U.
M: Do they try to speak English whenever they have a chance?
F: Yes, they try to speak English whenever they have a chance.
复习 WHEN 开头的时间从句和形容词 下面我们一边复习用 when 开头的时间从句, 一边复习形容词.
练习的内容说 到一般学英语的人在学习过程中的心情.
比方有困难的时候觉得气馁, 说错了 觉得很窘等等.
练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个从句或是一个 主要句子.
你跟学 生一起作练习的时候要特别注意应该代换哪个部分.
M: They feel discouraged when they have difficulties.
M: when they make a mistake F: They feel discouraged when they make a mistake.
M: They feel embarrassed.
F: They feel embarrassed when they make a mistake.
M: when they don't understand what people say F: They feel embarrassed when they don't understand what people say.
M: They feel helpless.
F: They feel helpless when they don't understand what people say.
M: They feel nervous.
F: They feel nervous when they don't understand what people say.
M: when they express their thoughts in English F: They feel nervous when they express their thoughts in English.
复习 WHEN 开头的形容词从句 刚才我们作的几组练习都是说到外国人在美国学英语的情况.
遥我们作一 组练习一方面复习用 when, w-h-e-n, when 开头的形容词从句, 一方面谈一谈 许多美国人学外国话的原因.
练习的作法是老师说一句话, 接着老师念一个 从句.
请你跟学生一起作练习的时候一 边注意语法结构, 一边复习词汇.
M: Those who want to understand a foreign culture need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to do business with a foreign company F: Those who want to do business with a foreign company need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to negotiate with a foreign corporation F: Those who want to negotiate with a foreign corporation need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to communicate with foreigners F: Those who want to communicate with foreigners need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to travel in a foreign country F: Those who want to travel in a foreign country need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to live in a foreign country F: Those who want to live in a foreign country need to learn a foreign language.
复习被动语态 下面我们作一组练习一方面复习被动语态, 一方面谈一谈鲍勃学中文的经验.
每 作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念给你听.
M: Foreign languages impress Bob.
F: Bob is impressed with foreign languages.
M: His parents have always encouraged him to study a foreign language.
F: He has always been encouraged to study a foreign language.
M: His mother had taught him Chinese when he was small.
F: He had been taught Chinese when he was small.
M: His Chinese instructor told him about the study-abroad program when he was a university student.
F: He was told about the study-abroad program when he was a university student.
M: He hopes that a university in China will offer him a scholarship to study there someday.
F: He hopes that he will be offered a scholarship to study in China someday.
听短文回答问题 遥我们要听的文章谈到美国学校为了帮助外国人学英语而设立的英语教学 计划.
The United States is primarily an English speaking country.
The majority of the population speaks English as their native language.
Business, education and most public aspects of life are conducted in English.
Across the country, people pronounce English sounds in several different ways and some regional vocabulary differences exist, but for the most part, Americans speak one common language.
This language is sometimes called American English.
However, not everyone in the U.
is a native speaker of English.
Most immigrants to the country are speakers of other languages.
There are hundreds of communities around the U.
where English is not the most commonly used language.
Chinese, Italian, German, Armenian, Greek, Vietnamese and French are all spoken in numerous communities in the U.
Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language after English in the U.
It is widely spoken in New York and across the southern part of the country.
For speakers of other languages, learning English is important, but traditionally teaching people to speak English as a second language was given little attention.
Non-English speakers were expected to "pick up" the language through contact in public.
Recently, this has changed.
Today, most large public schools and community colleges have ESL, English as a Second Language, programs.
American English teachers feel that English students should learn the language the way they will be using it.
Therefore, ESL programs teach different English lessons to different students.
Some programs teach students to communicate in English in public.
Other programs teach the kind of English people will need on their jobs.
American ESL instructional methods emphasize the importance of communication to language learning.
These methods do not feature grammatical explanations and translation.
The instructional goal is to get the English learners to learn by using their target language.
遥个问题是: M: What languages are spoken in the United States?
F: Many languages are spoken in the United States.
第二个问题是: M: Where can one take English as a Second Language courses in the U.
F: One can take ESL courses in public schools and community colleges.
第三个问题是: M: What do American methods of teaching ESL emphasize?
F: They emphasize communication.