

第四十三课 虚拟语气(三)

2025-01-26 01:24:10浏览:
第四十三课 虚拟语气(三) 一.
本课要点及示例 在这一课里, 我们学习用 如果 if, i-f, if 和过去完成时态作句子来表示跟过去事实相反的条件和结果.
这句话英文应该这样说: If I had seen you.
I certainly would have said hello toyou.
com) 下面我们念一段对话, 多举几个例子给你听.
M: When did you decide to be a school teacher,Kate?
F: When I was in grade school, I had a teacher who I liked very much.
I wanted to be likeshe was.
M: What made her so special?
F: She used to make things interesting and exciting to learn.
M: Like what?
F: If you had heard her history lessons, you would have thought that history was fascinating.
M: If you had been in our history class, you would have found history very boring.
Ourteacher just taught names and dates.
F: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become something besides a teacher.
M: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become a history teacher instead of agym teacher.
这次老师念得比较慢, 请你注意听.
M: When did you decide to be a school teacher,Kate?
F: When I was in grade school, I had a teacher who I liked very much.
I wanted to be likeshe was.
M: What made her so special?
F: She used to make things interesting and exciting to learn.
M: Like what?
F: If you had heard her history lessons, you would have thought that history was fascinating.
M: If you had been in our history class, you would have found history very boring.
Ourteacher just taught names and dates.
F: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become something besides a teacher.
M: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become a history teacher instead of agym teacher.
F: If you had heard her history lessons, you would have thought that history was fascinating.
M: If you had been in our history class, you would have found history very boring.
F: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become something besides a teacher.
M: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become a history teacher.
用 IF 引导跟过去事实相反的情况 听了上面那些句子, 我想你已经注意到怎么样用过去完成时态作句子来表达跟过去事实相反的情况.
遥我们开始作练习, 多学学这种说法.
凯特就用过去完成时态作假设遥句子, 说明如果比尔过去那么作了, 他可能会有什么结果.
下面就是一个例子: M: I wasn't in your class.
I didn't become a history teacher.
F: If you had been in my class,maybe you would have become a history teacher.
遥请你一边听句子的意思, 一边注意语法的变化.
M: I wasn't in your class.
I didn't become a history teacher.
F: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have become a history teacher.
M: I wasn't in your class.
I didn't think that history was fascinating.
F: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have thought that history was fascinating.
M: I wasn't in your class.
I didn't think that history was exciting.
F: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have thought that history was exciting.
F: I wasn't in your class.
I didn't become a gym teacher.
M: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have become a gym teacher.
F: I wasn't in your class.
I didn't think that history was boring.
M: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have thought that history was boring.
F: I wasn't in your class.
I didn't think that history was just names and dates.
M: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have thought that history was just namesand dates.
在刚才那组练习里我们用 也许 maybe 加上 would 再加上完成时态作了一些假设遥句子, 这种说法也可以改用 might 加上完成时态来表达.
比方: Maybe he would have become a history teacher.
可以改为 He might havebecome a history teacher.
下面就是一个例子: M: If Bill had been in Kate's class, maybe he would have become a historyteacher.
F: If he had been in her class, he might have become a history teacher.
M: If Bill had been in Kate's class, maybe he would have become a history teacher.
F: If he had been in her class, he might have become a history teacher.
M: If Bill had been in Kate's class, maybe he would have thought that history was fascinating.
F: If he had been in her class, he might have thought that history was fascinating.
M: If Bill had been in Kate's class, maybe he would have thought that history was exciting.
F: If he had been in her class, he might have thought that history was exciting.
M: If Kate had been in Bill's class, maybe she would have become a gym teacher.
F: If she had been in his class, she might have become a gym teacher.
M: If Kate had been in Bill's class, maybe she would have thought that history was boring.
F: If she had been in his class, she might have thought that history was boring.
M: If Kate had been in Bill's class, maybe she would have thought that history was justnames and dates.
F: If she had been in his class, she might have thought that history was just names anddates.
下面我们用美国历史作例子, 学学跟过去事实相反的说法.
练习的作法是老师用过去时态说出美国历史上的一项事实,比方遥来到美洲; 殖 民地因此成立.
The immigrants came to America.
The colonies were established.
学生就把句子改成:如果遥没有到美洲, 殖民地就不会成立.
If the immigrantshadn't come to America, the colonies wouldn't have been established.
在这组练习里有些新词汇,比方 遥 oppress, 遥 revolution,打败 defeat,奴隶slave 等等.
M: The immigrants came to America.
The colonies were established.
F: If the immigrants hadn't come to America, the colonies wouldn't have been established.
M: The taxes were raised.
The colonists were unhappy.
F: If the taxes hadn't been raised, the colonists wouldn't have been unhappy.
M: The colonists were oppressed.
There was a revolution.
F: If the colonists hadn't been oppressed, there wouldn't have been a revolution.
M: The colonists fought the revolution against the British.
They gained independence.
F: If the colonists hadn't fought the revolution against the British, they wouldn't have gainedindependence.
M: The colonists gained independence.
The U.
became a country.
F: If the colonists hadn't gained independence, the U.
wouldn't have become a country.
M: France needed money.
It sold a piece of land to the U.
F: If France hadn't needed money, it wouldn't have sold a piece of land to the U.
M: The U.
bought that piece of land.
The size of the U.
F: If the U.
hadn't bought that piece of land, the size of the U.
wouldn't have doubled.
M: People of Texas fought a war against Mexico.
They became independent.
F: If people of Texas hadn't fought a war against Mexico, they wouldn't have becomeindependent.
M: Texas became independent.
It joined the U.
F: If Texas hadn't become independent, it wouldn't have joined the U.
M: The U.
defeated Mexico.
California and New Mexico became part of the U.
F: If the U.
hadn't defeated Mexico, California and New Mexico wouldn't have becomepart of the U.
M: The North won the Civil War.
Slaves were freed.
F: If the North hadn't won the Civil War, slaves wouldn't have been freed.
M: Russia sold Alaska to the U.
It became an American state.
F: If Russia hadn't sold Alaska to the U.
, it wouldn't have become an American state.
下面我们还是请老师用过去时态说出美国历史上的一些事迹, 比方 英国宣称北美洲部分土地属于他们.
England claimed part ofNorth America.
Canada didn't become part of the U.
请你用 might 把句子改成如果英国没有宣称北美洲部分土地属于他们, 加拿大就可能变成美国的一部分.
If England hadn't claimed part of North America, Canada might havebecome part of the U.
这组练习里也有一些有用的词汇, 比方 解决 settle,歧见 difference, 妥协 compromise, 反对 oppose.
避遥 prevent 等等,请你在作练习的时候特别注意听.
M: England claimed part of North America.
Canada didn't become part of the U.
F: If England hadn't claimed part of North America, Canada might have become part ofthe U.
M: England and the U.
settled their differences.
They didn't go to war.
F: If England and the U.
hadn't settled their differences, they might have gone to war.
M: England and the U.
They didn't fight against each other.
F: If England and the U.
hadn't compromised, they might have fought against each other.
M: The South opposed President Lincoln's policy.
The Civil War couldn't be prevented.
F: If the South hadn't opposed President Lincoln's policy, the Civil War might have beenprevented.
M: The South was defeated.
The U.
didn't become two countries.
F: If the South hadn't been defeated, the U.
might have become two countries.
听短文回答问题 遥我们要听的文章简单谈到美国建国的经过; 文章里许多词汇和句子都是我们刚才练习过的.
Compared to the history of China, the history of the United States is quite short.
It beganlittle more than 200 years ago.
In 1776, 13 colonies located on the eastern coast of NorthAmerica declared independence and fought a revolution against the British.
In 1783 thecolonists won the revolution and gained their independence.
After the revolution, the United States bought a large section of country from Napoleonof France.
This purchase doubled the size of the United States.
Napoleon needed moneyfor his European wars.
If he hadn't needed that money, the United States might havestayed a small country.
Texas and most of what is now the southwestern part of the UnitedStates belonged to Mexico.
The people of Texas fought a revolution against Mexico.
They became independent and joined the United States.
Later, the United States andMexico went to war.
If Mexico had defeated the United States, in that war, California andNew Mexico would have been part of Mexico today.
The British and the Americans both claimed the northwestern part of the country.
Theysettled their differences with a compromise.
South of the 49th parallel was the United States.
North of the 49th parallel was Canada which was controlled by England.
In 1861 one-half of the United States did go to war with the other half.
This was the Civil War.
President Lincoln wanted to free slaves.
He was supported by the North but opposedby the South.
The South wanted to separate from the rest of the country and becomeindependent.
After 4 years of war, the South was defeated.
Following the Civil War, the United States bought Alaska from Russia.
At that time manypeople didn't think Alaska was important, but today it is the largest state in the country anda very important one too.
你回答之后, 老师会念出正确答案给你听, 让你作个比较, 看你答对了没有.
遥个问题是: M: How did the United States become a country?
F: Colonists defeated the British in a revolution.
第二个问题是: M: Which countries have sold land to the U.
F: France and Russia have sold land to the U.
第三个问题是: M: What was the outcome of the U.
-Mexican War?
F: Mexico was defeated.
California and New Mexico became part of the U.