请问各位英文好手To be or not to be. . . . 的中文该怎么翻? (来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www. 2hzz. com)
整句是To be, or not to be: that is the question. 这是莎士比亚剧本「哈姆雷特」(音译)或「遥子复仇记」(意译)第三幕、遥景中的一句话。 用现代语言来说,就是:The problem of existence or nonexistence confronts us.
「死后是存在还是不存在--这是问题。 」
「生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。 」
「存在与否,那才是问题。 」
1. To buy or not to buy: that is the question.
2. To pay or not to pay: that was the question.
3. To speak or not to speak: that is the question.
4. To be or not to be married: that was the question.
5. To eat roast chicken or not to eat roast chicken, that is the question.
(见p. 554, Dictionary of English Quotations).
be psyched是什么意思?
be psyched或 be psyched up (特别是美国用法)对某件事情预作心理准备。
例如:The new teacher should be psyched for her first class.
Nothing venture, nothing have.
No pains, no gains.
这两句的意义是一样的吗? 不一样。
遥句话的意义是「不入虎遥,焉得虎子」。 第二句话的意义是「吃得苦中苦,方为人上人」(一般英汉字典均译为「不劳则无获」,我翻译为「吃得苦中苦,方能有所成」。 BBS上回应「不入虎遥,焉得虎子」的英译,众说纷纭。
我的回应:根据 Ronald Ridout & Clifford Witting 所著之English Proverbs Explained(英文谚语800句)中第523句,原文是:Nothing venture, nothing have.
This advises bold action. If you are not prepared to take risks you cannot expect to get results.
例如:A: I want to borrow the car for the weekend, but I don’t think Dad will let me have it.
B: Go and ask him. Nothing venture, nothing have.
类似的谚语(similar proverbs)有:Nothing stake, nothing draw. (521句)
Fortune favours the bold. (524句)
I make it a rule that the first thing I do every day is listen to an English radio program.
All we can do is to wait for him. (正式写法)
All we can do is wait for him. (口语常省略to)
--见五南图书出版公司英汉活用辞典p. 66)
All I did was (to) touch the window. (口语可省略to)
The first thing was to make some coffee. (正式写法)
--见牛津大学出版社--Oxford University Press--出版之
Practical English Usage p. 116 (1995 New Edition)
作者:Michael Swan
English Proverbs Explained (英文谚语800句)一书中第496句:
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 中译为
「天下本无事,庸人自扰之」,即勿杞人忧天。 因此「我太杞人忧天了」可改写此谚语英译为I trouble trouble too much before trouble troubles me.
ad hoc 是什么意思?
ad hoc 为拉丁字,1659年作副词用,1879年又可作形容词用。 意思是「特别的」、「遥针对当前某一特定问题的」。 例如:
an ad hoc committee 一个特别委员会。
at the beach vs. on the beach
1. at the beach与 on the beach的意义一样。
例如:They are taking a holiday at / on the beach. 他们在海边度假。
2. on the beach(俚语) (船员因失业)下船上岸; 失业,落魄。
有 fall down 这个词组吗?
有 fall down 这个词组。 如果词组的遥个字是动词,我们称它为词组动词(phrasal verb) 见 p. 101, Collins Cobuild Dictionary Phrasal Verbs.
1. 跌落: He fell down.
2. 散落: The pile of books fell down.
3. 崩蹋: The new bridge fell down.
It turns out that. . . . 这是什么意思?
变成为…的结果;结局变成;(事情)证明是…(to + V; that clause) 例如:as things turned out事情的结果是… As it turned out, I need not have bothered. 结果证明我原本不必担心。
Life did not turn out the way I thought it would. 人生并非如我想象那般。