

提高视力的简单方法 Improve Your Vision

2025-01-26 01:25:20浏览:
提高视力的简单方法 Improve Your Vision

Easy Ways to Improve Your Vision
Learn how to keep your eyes in tiptop shape

A Marvelous Sense


Weekly Regimen

Walk at least four times a week.
Some evidence suggests that regular exercise can reduce the intraocular pressure, or IOP, in people with glaucoma.
In one study, glaucoma patients who walked briskly four times per week for 40 minutes lowered their IOP enough so they could stop taking medication for their condition.
It's also possible -- although there's no proof yet -- that walking could also reduce your overall risk of developing glaucoma.

Eat fish twice a week.
A study from Harvard researchers presented at the 2003 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology's annual meeting evaluated the diets of 32,470 women and found those who ate the least amount of fish (thus getting the least amount of omega-3 fatty acids) had the highest risk of dry eye syndrome.
Even tuna fish (yes, the kind that comes in a can) protected against the syndrome.
If you can't stand fish, or are worried about mercury consumption, try fish-oil supplements to get your omega-3s.

Twice a week, walk away from greasy or sweet snacks.
A 2001 study found that people whose diets were high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in omega-6 fatty acids (found in many fat-filled snack foods like commercially prepared pie, cake, cookies, and potato chips) were significantly less likely to develop ARMD than those whose diets were high in omega-6 fatty acids and low in omega-3 fatty acids.
In fact, if your diet was high in omega-6 at all -- even if you still ate plenty of fish -- the protective effects of the omega-3 fatty acids disappeared.

Have sweet potatoes for dinner tonight.
Since they are rich in vitamin A, these sweet spuds can help improve your night vision.

Turn down the heat in your house.
Heat dries out the air, which, in turn, dries out your eyes.
In the winter, you might also try adding some humidity with a humidifier or even bunching a lot of plants together in the room in which you spend the most time.

Wear sunglasses whenever you leave the house.
When researchers examined the relationship between exposure to sunlight and cataracts or ARMD in Chesapeake Bay fishermen, they found that fishermen who protected their eyes from the harsh glare of the sun and its damaging UV rays were significantly less likely to develop these conditions than those who went bare-eyed.
Wear the sunglasses even when it's not sunny out, says Dr.
They protect your eyes from the drying effects of wind.

Wear a broad-brimmed hat along with your sunglasses.
A wide-brimmed hat or cap will block roughly 50 percent of the UV radiation and reduce the UV radiation that may enter your eyes from above or around glasses.

Pick some Southern greens for dinner tonight.
Because they are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, greens like collards and kale (delicious when lightly steamed with a splash of hot pepper vinegar) may reduce your risk of developing both cataracts and ARMD, and may even slow progression of these diseases once they've begun.
Both have strong antioxidant properties, which may help repair some of the damage that contributes to both conditions.

Protect Your Eyes

Roast some fresh beets for an eye-saving side dish.
Beets get their deep red color from phytochemicals called anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that protect the smaller blood vessels in your body, including those in your eyes.

Switch to lite salt or use spices and herbs instead of salt.
Studies find that high-salt diets increase your risk of certain types of cataracts, so stay away from the salty stuff.
And while you're de-salting your diet, don't forget the salt in processed foods.
Check labels for no-salt or no-sodium, or low-salt or low-sodium tags when buying canned and other prepared foods.

Dab an essential oil of jasmine, peppermint, or vanilla on your arm and sniff.
Jasmine, says scent researcher Alan R.
Hirsch, M.
, of the Chicago-based Smell and Taste Treatment Research Foundation, increases the beta waves in the frontal lobes of your brain, promoting wakefulness and enabling you to focus better and see things more acutely.
All three scents stimulate the limbic system in your brain, which, in turn, stimulates the rods in your eyes, which help you see in dim light.