什么是防晒系数 SPF-Sun protection factor Definition of Sun protection factor (SPF)
Sun protection factor (SPF): A number on a scale for rating the degree of protection provided by sunscreens. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. (来源:英语学习门户网站2hzz. com)
SPF numbers on a package can range from as low as 2 to as high as 100. These numbers refer to the product's ability to screen or block out the sun's burning rays. It is a common mistake to assume that the duration of effectiveness of a sunscreen can be calculated simply by multiplying the SPF by the length of time it takes for him or her to suffer a burn without sunscreen, because the amount of sun exposure a person receives is dependent upon more than just the length of time spent in the sun. The amount of sun exposure depends upon a number of factors including the length of exposure, time of day, geographic location, and weather conditions.
SPF防晒系数,是指防晒用品所能发挥的防晒效能的高低。 皮肤在日晒后会发红,医学上称之为红斑症,这是皮肤对日晒作出的较轻微反应。 较低红斑剂量,是皮肤出现红斑的较短日晒时间,而SPF防晒系数,便是根据皮肤较低红斑剂量来确定的。 一般来说,遥防晒用品,皮肤的较低红斑剂量会增长,那么该防晒用品的SPF防晒系数是:
以东方人的肤质来说,日常美白保养选用SPF防晒系数在8至15的产品即可;只有从事游泳、打球等户外运动,或在炎热夏季时,才有必要用SPF防晒系数高于15的产品。 如果一味追求高防晒系数,反而会对皮肤带来不必要的负担。
对于爱美的女遥朋友来说,夏日防晒是一门必修课。 夏日防晒有哪些科学? 针对不同人群,防晒又有哪些不同之处? 其实,防晒产品并非SPF(防晒系数)越高越好,以下几点防晒品的遥,可供大家日常作参考。
夏天的早晚、遥雨天内,SPF系数低于8的防晒产品,即可满足防晒需求;中等强度的阳光照射下,SPF系数达到8至15的防晒产品,防晒遥比较理想;户外工作者,或在夏日强烈的阳光下直射,防晒产品的SPF系数应大于15;游泳以及夏天出汗时,不妨选择抗水遥好的防晒产品;外出前十分钟涂抹防晒产品,每平方厘米涂抹2毫克,防晒遥较好;如果孩子从六个月大起就涂抹防晒产品,到18岁时,其日后患皮肤癌的几率可比从小不涂防晒产品的人降低78%。 因此,预防肌肤老化和疾病,防晒应从小做起。