三国演义经典英语台词:桃园三结义(来源:www. 2hzz. com)Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25-220) China was war-stricken. After a royal edict to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou, three heroes surfaced. One was Liu Bei, a descendent of Liu Sheng, Prince Jin of Zhongshan during the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei was sighing while reading the posted edict when he heard an impatient voice behind, What use is just sighing, without a man's devotion to his country? 东汉(25-220年)末年,天下大乱。 朝廷发布文告,下令招兵买马。 榜文到涿县,引出了三位英雄。 刘备,是汉朝中山靖遥刘胜的后代。 一天,他边看榜文边长叹,忽听背后有人说:男子汉大丈夫不思为国出力,在这里叹什么气? Then the man introduced himself: I'm Zhang Fei and my livelihood is selling wine and slaughtering hogs. 并自报姓名说:我叫张飞,靠卖酒遥猪为生。 I do want to devote myself to the country, Liu explained after telling Zhang his name. But how can I help if I'm empty handed? 刘备说出自己姓名后说:我想为国出力,又感到力量不够,故而长叹! You needn't worry, said Zhang. I'm willing to give up my fortune to build an army and embark on this new career with you. 张飞说:这没什么可难的,我可以拿出家产,招兵买马,创建大业。 刘备听后非常高兴。 While the two talked merrily over cups in a small restaurant, in came a martial looking, handsome man with a huge build and a red complexion. Liu and Zhang invited him to join them. They learned that the man was named Guan Yu. As he had upheld justice by killing a local tyrant, he had fled home and wandered about for many years. During an amiable conversation the three found that they shared a common ambition and the next day in a peach garden they swore brotherhood to heaven and earth before lit candles and joss sticks, Liu Bei the eldest, Guan Yu the second-oldest and Zhang Fei the youngest. They vowed devotion to China. Later, the three sworn brothers had successful career. Liu Bei ascended to the throne of the State of Shu in 221A. D in present-day Sichuan. 二人来到一个小店,边喝酒边谈,正说得投机,门外突然来了一个红脸大汉,威风凛凛,相貌堂堂。 刘备、张飞请他一同饮酒。 交谈中得知,此人名关羽,因仗义除霸有家不能归,已流落遥五、六年了。 他们各自抒发自己的志向,谈得十分投机。 隔日,三人来到一个桃园,点燃香烛,拜告天地,结为兄弟。 按年龄刘备为大哥,关羽为二哥,张飞为三弟。 并发誓同心协力,报效遥。 此后,三人果然作出一番惊天动地的事业。