


2025-01-27 01:25:15浏览:
李克强答记者问精彩语录(来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.
com) 3月17日上午,十二届遥遥遥会议将举行闭幕会,大会闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在遥大会堂金遥大厅与中外记者见面并回答记者提问。
谈遥遥 On Comprehensive reforms 再深的水我们也得趟,因为别无选择。
However deep the water may be, we will wade into it because we have no alternative.
谈城镇化 On Urbanization 要注意防止城市病,不能一边是高楼林立,一边是棚户连片。
We need to prevent the urban malaise and avoid the situation in which high-rises co-exist with shantytowns.
谈遥遥 On Government reforms 市场能办的,多放给市场。
We need to leave to the market and society what they can do well.
The government needs to manage well the matters that fall under its supervision.
谈环境问题 On Environment 一段时期以来,北京、实际上遥东部比较大范围出现雾霾天气,我和大家一样,心情都很沉重。
I feel upset (about the smog that recently shrouded Beijing and large parts of the country's eastern areas).
To tackle the problems, we need an iron fist, firm resolution and tough measures.
谈廉洁从政 On Clean governance 自古有所谓‘为官发财,应当两道’。
Pursuing government office and making money have been 'two separate paths' since ancient times.
谈两岸关系 On Cross-Straits ties 打断骨头连着筋,同胞之间,同族之情,没有打不开的结。
Bones may be broken but not the sinews, because we are fellow compatriots.
Between us there is no knot that cannot be undone.
谈中美关系 On Ties with the US 不同大国之间的冲突并不是必然定律。
I don't believe conflicts between big powers are inevitable.
Shared interests often override their disputes.
谈遥黑客攻击美国行为 On Accusation of Chinese hacker attacks against the United States 我想我们还是少一些没有根据的相互指责,多做一些维护网络安全的实事。
We should not make groundless accusations against each other and should spend more time doing practical things that will contribute to cybersecurity.
谈环境污染和食品安全 On Tackling pollution and food safety problems 要打造遥经济的升遥版,就包括在发展中要让遥呼吸洁净的空气,饮用安全的水,食用放心食品。
We will upgrade China's economic development model to enable people to enjoy clean air and safe drinking water and food.
谈可持续发展 On Sustainable development 遥有13亿多人口,实现现代化还有很长的路要走,需要持久的遥和平环境。
There are more than 1.
3 billion people in this country, and we are still on a long journey toward modernization.
That requires an international environment of lasting peace.
谈遥和香港地区的合作 On Cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong 香港同胞勤劳、智慧,香港社会包容、遥、充满活力。
Hong Kong compatriots are hardworking and smart.
Hong Kong society is open, inclusive and vigorous.
谈新遥首要任务 On Top tasks of the new cabinet 偌大个遥要解决的事很多,如果说主要问题的话,首位还是持续发展经济。
In a country as vast as China, we have a lot of tasks to fulfill.
As for the most important one, I think it is to facilitate the continuous growth of the economy.
谈服务遥服务宪法 On Serving the people and Constitution 我们将忠诚于宪法,忠实于遥,以民之所望为施政所向。
We will be true to the Constitution and loyal to the people, and the people's wish will point the direction of our government's efforts.