Not just a matter of S$2
Things are said to be back to normal after the economic woes.
Yet, before people's purse could restore to what it used to be, there came the news about transport fare hikes.
Then came the announcement that POSBank, long reputedly "the people's bank", would impose a minimum balance of S$500 and slap a fall-below service charge of S$2 monthly on small account holders aged between 21 and 62.
"A fee hike in disguise", as some grumbled.
The transport fare hikes and the fall-below bank fee will affect a large sector of the population, especially the lower-income masses.
Many of them have yet to find a job after being laid off during the economic downturn, while others are people who live from hand to mouth, earning barely enough to pay rent and keep their families afloat.
Still others, for some special reasons, have lost working abilities and have to live on savings or insurance.
Bus fare hikes will affect all commuters, chiefly students, their parents, and factory workers.
The number of POSBank and DBS bank account holders affected by the proposed fall-below fee, according to newspaper reports, will reach half a million, some of them holding multiple accounts.
A monthly fee of S$2 from this large number of people together will be a huge sum.
Yet, while one can't be sure POSBank will make a profit out of it after paying the cost, one must admit in all fairness that the fee is reasonable.
Pay the mere price of a helping of chicken rice, and you can continue to use GIRO and other services provided by the bank.
This will save you the trouble of queuing up in person to pay your PUB, SingTel and other bills, besides the time and transport fares needed for the trips involved.
After all, there is no free lunch in this world.
Other banks have long started to charge similar fees.
Why, then, are people displeased with POSBank?
They are unhappy because they feel hurt, as I see it.
Or, they feel as though they have difficulty breathing freely, as a Cantonese saying goes.
People in Singapore have watched POSBank grow up throughout the decades.
From a modest counter within the post office, it has now developed into a modern bank housed in tall buildings.
With the GIRO and current account services it provides for free, the broad masses are entering a cash-less era.
Meanwhile, the bank's long-time efforts to serve the masses have earned a place in people's hearts for its logo of the big key.
Its ATM machines bearing the key design at every turn of the street, along with the ATM cards in almost everyone's pocket, have become an integral part of life for many Singaporeans.
Two years ago, in a bid for higher competitiveness, POSBank merged with DBS Bank, the de-facto national bank of the country.
At that time, DBS was actively introducing talent from abroad, hoping to bring about a restructured bank that would prosper regionally and globally.
Regrettably, today we find the key logo above the DBS-POSBank ATMs much dwindled in size, and even the name of POSBank is missing from the ATM's screen.
Obviously, POSBank has finished what it was meant to do.
Now it is gradually shedding off its image of "the people's bank".
This is, however, inevitable and irresistible.
Hence the unhappiness among the people.
The average bank-user would gladly spend a few more dollars on lottery every month, plus the time in the queue, rather than pay the fee to the bank that has been providing high-quality services for free for so long.
Herein lies a complex bred of sentiments more than a mere S$2 fee can explain or solve.
Now, it is high time to persuade people to give up old ideas and adopt new mindsets.
Yet it is a painstaking task to change their minds.
Just think of the masses who are still having difficulty handling the computer mouse while we are relishing the prospects of Internet, dot.
com, and e-banking.
There are still large crowds who are English-illiterate and barely educated in their native languages, especially those already past middle age.
They are still denied the benefits of electronic technologies.
These are people who need care and assistance.
Indeed, when advancing to keep up with the changing times, those leading the way should take care not to leave others far behind.
They would be well-advised to look back from time to time and lend a helping hand to those lagging behind.
After all, the slower movers have made their contribution to what Singapore is today.
说是经济复苏了,粮袋还没恢复元气,就听到公共交通费要起价 ;连号称遥银行的储蓄银行遥,也将订立较低存款数额,对存 款不足500元的户头征收手续费,对象是21岁至62岁之间的人士。
有 人把这形容为“变相的起价”。
公共交通费遥和银行征收较低存款服务费影响层面广,中下层 阶遥人士首当其冲,其中好些是被裁退还没找到工作,有些则是收入 仅仅足够养家、供屋,属于手停口停的遥。
有些是因个别境遇失去 工作能力,靠储蓄或保险金过活的。
巴士交通费起价是每个乘客都受到影响,主要是学生、工人、家 长;至于银行服务费方面,受影响的银行客户,据报章的资料,约达 50万个户头之多,其中一些持有超过一个的银行户头。
每月两元,若以50万人次计,是个庞大的数目,银行在扣除提供 服务的成本后,是否有利可图,我们不得而知。
然而,“$2”,相当 于一包鸡饭的遥,却能省去排队付款所花的时间与交通费。
平心而 论,这样的收费不能算不合理,毕竟,天下没有遥的午餐;况且, 类似的措施在一些银行早就有了,那么人们不满的情绪从何而来?
我 想,关键在于人们觉得感情受到伤害,心里头不舒服,粤语所谓的“ 条气不顺”也。
我们看着储蓄银行成长,由邮政局里的一个小柜台发展到现代 化高楼大厦;小市民也随着它的脚步迈入无现金缴费的时代,遥财 路付款、支票服务等。
当局花了不少心血,好不容易才把“锁匙标” 银行打入遥的心目中,在街头巷尾设立提款机,人手一卡,成为众 多新加坡人生活中遥欠缺的一部分。
那 时,发展银行正积遥引进外来人才,以期能把改组后的银行带入区域 ,走向世界,大展鸿图。
遥,我们看到各角落的提款机上储蓄银行的标志已大幅度缩小 ,甚至名称也不在提款荧光屏上出现了。
显然的,事态发展至今,储 蓄银行已经完成它的时代使命,正逐渐脱离,或者说,不再保持“人 民银行”的形象和地位了。
每个月两元,小市民情愿每周去排队 花多几元买“希望”中多多,就是不愿付给一路来提供遥遥服务 的“锁匙标”银行!
这其中的情意结,又岂是区区“$2”所能覆盖得 了?
然而 ,人事是较繁杂的工作,遥掉以轻心。
com 、电子银行、互联网的时候,还有多少小市民还在设法捉住“老鼠” (滑鼠器)而苦恼?
有多少不谙英文、只受过基本母语教育,尤其是 中年以上的人,还是生活在“电子时代”以外的隙缝里?
他们都需要 人们的关注与援手。
总之,我们在与时并进的步伐中,带队的请注意别走得过急了; 也须不时回头望一望,伸手拉一拉掉队的人一把,毕竟,他们也曾是 旧时代的铺路功臣。