Some people believe that there will emerge three major currencies in the world.One is the euro,another is the US dollar. Do you think there will be one major currency emerging in Asia? Do you think it will be the Japanese yen or the Chinese renminbi? Do you think there is the possibility for the Chinese renminbi to become one of the major currencies in the world? If so,what measures is the Chinese Government going to take to make that happen?
The question whether the renminbi will become a world currency,in my view,is not a question that should be answered by me and l think it is too ear1y now to discuss this question. What can say is that the renminbi is now very strong and it wiIl not be depreciated.
Over the past year,the Chinese Government has witnessed many severe tests and has also
won extensive acclaim. My question is what was the most difficult task for you,what were you most dissatisfied with and what touched you the most over the past year?
I think the past year was extremelv difflcult and the difficulties actually were greater than we anticipated. The first reason was that the effect of the Asian financial crisis was more serious than we had expected. And the second reason was that extremelv severe fIooding----which had been rarely seen in history---also caused difficulties greater than we had expected. (来源:http://www. 2hzz. com)
What l am satisfied with over the past year is that,under the leadership of the CentraI Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Jiang Zemin at its core and with the
concerted efforts of the entire Chinese people,we have overcome these difficuties and stood rock-solid.I think that this was indeed very difficult.That’s why in my report on the work of the government,I said the achievements really are very hard won.
我所不满意的,是我的工作没有做好。 但是,我也感觉到,有个别部门和地区没有很好贯彻遥的方针政策。
What l am dissatisfied with is that l have not done a good job. However,at the same time l also feel that some departments and localities have failed to implement to the letter the policies and measures formulated by the Central Commjttee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council.
What touched me most over the past year was what l saw on the forefront of the fight against
flooding. I saw People’s Liberation Army soldiers using their bodies to reinforce river embankments and to protect the lives and the safety of the people. When seeing that,I was almost moved to tears.
Premier Zhu,you are goihg to the United States in a few days,but,given the bad anti-China mood in Washington,it looks like you are going to walk into another minefield.
They accuse China of spying,of stealing sensitive information---high-tech information which is then used to improve military technology that threatens US securlty.
How do you react to that,to such accusations?
What can you do to improve or to change such a perception of China in the United States?
Some politicians in Washington are calling for a re-evaluation of the engagement policy with China. Is it worthwhile for you,for Chjna,to befriend the Unjted States even if they do not seem to like you?
Since the exchange of visits between the state heads of China and the United States,the two countries have started to work on building a constructive strategic partnership.
The momentum of the growth of the Sino-US relationship has been quite good.
However,due to various reasons which I do not see the need to mention here,has emerged an anti-China trend in the United States,which has caused concern from our side.
I do not think that by paying a visit to the United States l will step into a minefield.But l do expect to encounter some hostile or unfiendly reactIons.
In February 22 issue,Business Weekly carried an article titled China,what’s going wrong? This article is very special.
According to that article, it seems as though China is about to encounter a big calamity or insolvency and a major disaster is looming close by.
Actually before that l had never seen an acticle carried by US media describing China like that.
I think the emergence of such an article reflects the emerging anti-Chjna trend and that the Sino-US relationship has been victimized by partisan politics in the United States.
这样,我也成了一个受害者。 这家遥的封面上登了我的一张照片,这张照片看起来我就像个死人。
I am also a victim, for on the cover of that magazine I was portrayed like a dead person.
Under such circumstances,my visit to the US wiIl not be an easy job.According to the prediction of many media organizations,my forthcoming visit is unlikely to be successful. However,I will go anywav to lend them a chance to vent their anger or complaints.
As I just mentioned now,I do not think my visit will lead me into a minefield ,only that l will encounter a negative atmosphere in the United States. By going to the United States l will trv to clarify the truth and also to resume the momentum of developing a constructive strategic partnership between China and the United States.
Just now you asked me to clarify the truth about the allegation of China stealing US militarv secrets. Now I’d like to answer the question.
To me some people in the United States have made two mistakes.
One is that the they have underestimated the ability of the United States to guard their secrets.
To my knowledge,the Los Alamos laboratory has very tight security measures. As each of those working there knows about only a part of a project,it is impossible for them to leak any secrets.Therefore,even now,they have not found any solid evidence to prosecute Dr Wen Ho Lee. They can only fire him.
We shall never forget history.
Historically,both China and the United States have experienced such periods when hysteria becomes the norm.
在遥也有过这种时期。 就是文化大遥。
A typical example in China is the“cultural revolution. ”
Another of fheir rmistakes is that they have underestimated China military research development capabiiities,
The Chinese are intelligent and diligent,as evidenced by many Chinese Americans.
Also a case in point is that China independently developed its atomic and hydrogen bombs and man- made satellites.
China is fully capable of developing any military technology.
It is only a matter of time.
But please keep in mind that China is the first countrv to declare that not be the first to use nuclear weapons.
Already we have imposed an moratorium on nuclear testing.
We’ve agreed wlth the United States on the mudnon,targeting of missiles ffainst each other.
Why should Chjna take the political and moraI risk of stealing others’ military technology or secrets?
The alleged Chinese theft of US military technology is only a fictioh.
Since the introduction of the policy of macro regulation and control in the second half of 1993,such policy has produced four major results.
The first result is that it helped China to cope with the Asian financial crisis.
Secondly, it also has exerted three major functions in China,that is stability of the currency,the second is the stability of prices,and the third is social stability.
So my question is jn the course of macro regulation and control by what measures would you take into consideration all these four functions and also in your fiscal and economic policies.
另外,您这次到美国去将面临遥问题,这个问题也可能是一个焦点。 请就遥问题提出您的看法。
You are going to visit the United States soon, so l expect the human rights question will become a very important topic during your trip. Would you please give us some of your views on this issue?
It was in l993 that China set up its policy of macro regulation and control.
That was a time when China had achieved great results after the widening of opening up to the outside world and deepening reform.
Meanwhlle,there was also some overheating in the economic sector ,mainly in the real estate sector and the stock markets.
Such economic overheating resulted in a very high inflation rate of 21.7 per cent in l994.
At that time Deng Xiaoping still alive. With his support,and also under the leadership of the CPC CentraI Committee with comrade Jiang Zemin at the core,the decision was made to strengthen macro regulation and control.
Sixteen measures were adopted,of which l3 were economic measures. And out of the 13 economic measures,11 were related to the banking and financial sector .
Thanks to these 16 measures adopted aimed at strengthening macro regulation and control,within a period of a little more than two years