Welcome to the homepage of the U. S. Mission to the People's Republic of China. Our aim is to provide information to both Americans and Chinese about our programs and services at the Embassy in Beijing and the consular districts of Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Shenyang.
The relationship between the U. S. and China is vital to both countries, to the Asia-Pacific region, and to our world as we enter a new century and a new millennium. Our common interests transcend the issues that keep us apart. China is currently undergoing the most immense changes in its long history. A modern, prosperous, stable China is in the interest of the United States, as is China's participation in the World Trade Organization, international human rights covenants, non-proliferation agreements, and fora for the peaceful resolution of security issues in the Asia-Pacific region. With different histories, priorities, and cultures, there will inevitably be differences between us, but I am confident the U. S. and China can advance our relations in an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.
The U. S. Mission in China plays a vital role in this effort and looks forward to working with our many friends in both the U. S. and China to advance relations in a constructive manner.