例句-2: They've built so many new office buildings here that they have trouble renting out all the space. So some landlords sweeten the pot; they offer a company six months free rent if it signs a three-year lease. “
这句话翻译到中文的意思就是:“他们在这儿盖了那末多的办公楼,遥都租不出去。 所以,有的房产主就设法增加一些吸引人的条件。 他们对一个公司说,要是这个公司和他们签订一个三年的租房合同,他们就可以遥交半年房租。 ”
另外一个来自玩遥牌游戏的词汇是:The cards are stacked against you。 The cards are stacked against you。 这句话是说,你处于很不利的情况下,遥的遥很少。 下面的例子是说一个人受了骗: (来源:英语学习门户 http://www. 2hzz. com)
例句-3: Last night I got into a poker game with these men I met in the hotel bar. And I lost a thousand dollars before I realized the cards were stacked against me. All I could do was pick up the money I had left and walk away.
例句-4: I really wanted to try out for the basketball team when I was in college. But the cards were stacked against me: I'm only five feet six inches tall and everybody else was six-two or even taller.