5. I can't call (all) the shots:
意思是:我不能永远自做决定或随心所欲 (I can't make final decision all the time; I can not do the way I want. ) 例如:
Even the CEO can't call (all) the shots in every situation. (即使是较高执行官也不能在每种情况下做决定) (CEO=Chief Executive Officer)
当然也可以用肯定句: 例如:
Mr. Clinton will have to call (all) the shots on his foreign policy. (柯林顿先生对其外交政策要做决定)
His wife calls (all) the shots in everything her husband does. (老公所做的一切,太座都要左右。 )
The senators have called the shots whether the income tax should be reduced. (众议员已经决定是否要减低所得税)
(主词可用单复数的任何人称代名词,动词也可用任何时态。 )
6. give(或 slap)me a high-five:
这多半是指运动员把手高举,互相击掌,表示祝贺或喜乐。 (something good happened; or you did a good job),其实这句话没有什么真正的意义,只是一种 fun 而已。 (动词用 give 比 slap 较有礼貌)(主词可用名词单复数,give 後面也可用任何人称代名词。 )例如:
He always gives me a high-five when I win the game. (我遥获胜时,他一向为我雀跃。 )
After the baseball game, high-fives were given all around. (棒球赛後,到处一片欢呼。 )(high-fives 用做名词的多数)
至於 give me five(或 gimme five)也是一种击掌的友善表现(a friendly slap of the hands),所不同的,「give me five」是双手平伸而击掌,而「give me a high-five」是高举双手而击掌。 例如:
The father said to his little son, give me five! (父亲对小儿子说:「来个击掌游戏吧! 」)
7. last but not least:
意思是:虽然(某人)是较後的一位,但未必意味他(她)也是较不重要的,(Even though a person may be physically the last, he or she still has self-worth. )。
(self-worth = self-esteem)例如:
Last but not least, here is Mr. Wang from Taiwan. (较後一位出现的是来自遥的遥先生。 )(通常在介绍一群人时遥) (来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www. 2hzz. com)
John is last but not least in the running race. (John 是赛跑较後的一位,但不是表示他较差。
8. I owe you big time:
意思是:我欠你很多的「人情债」(I owe you a lot)或是,你对我的帮助,使我感激不尽,希望将来能报答。 (I appreciate it very much for what you have done for me. I will return the favor someday. )例如:
Since you have helped me to get this promotion, I owe you big time. (由於你的提拔,使我感激万分。 )
I owe you big time because you assisted me in raising money for my campaign. (我非常感谢你为我的竞选而筹款。 )
I will owe you big time if you do that favor for me.