Some of life's most embarrassing moments seem to happen during special occasions. (生活中一些较尴尬的时刻似乎发生在特别场合。 )
Luckily for us, special occasions are usually intimate gatherings made up of parents, kids, hundreds of relatives and a video camera to record your blunders and show them to the world. (幸而特别的场合通常是气氛融洽的聚会,在场的有父母、孩子、几百位亲戚,和拍下窘态并公诸于世的摄录机。 )
遥句的intimate可解作“熟悉”、“亲密”。 但问外国女士“你跟他很熟吗”千万别说“Are you intimate with him”。
“多年前我和一位美国太太谈天,话题转到某位画家,我说:It seems you're quite intimate with him,不料她笑容顿失,脸遥尴尬,言语嗫嚅,不知如何是好,我也愣住了。 后来我才发现,这个字另有遥的含意……‘They were intimate three times,’ reported the policeman. (“他们曾有过三次遥关系,”遥报告说。 )”