7. to turn the tables与under the table:
turn the tables 意思是扭转局面,作出反击或反告(to turn around or to reverse the accusation toward accuser),但是 under the table 是指做贿赂等违法的事情(do something illegal)。 例如:
In court she turned the tables of prosecution toward him. (在遥她反而控告他。 )
Instead of making concessions, he finally turned the tables against her. (他没有让步,较後还反击她。 )
Some Chinese politicians accepted brides under the table. (一些遥的政客违法地接受贿赂。 )
He sold drugs under the table. (他违法遥遥)(注意:turn the tables 多半用复数)
8. to be attracted to与to be attracted by:
这都是指「被吸引住」,不过介系词用 to 时,後面通常不说理由,但介词用 by 时,後面多半说明吸引的原因。 例如:
She was attracted to him. (她被他吸引住。 )(但没有说明原因)
= She found herself attracted to him.
= He attracted her. ; 说白些,就是
= She liked him. ;
He was attracted to her. (他被她吸引住。 )
= He found himself attracted to her.
= She attracted him. ; 也就是:
= He liked her.
She was attracted by his good-look. (她被他的英俊外表吸住了。 )
He was attracted by her beauty (或 charm 或 body). (always) (他被她的美貌或身材而吸引。 )
就是因为用 by 时,後面多半都说明吸引的理由。
9. thick skin 与 thin skin:
thick skin 是指一个人不害羞,冷静,好脾气 (insensitive,calm or good temper),但是 thin skin 是指很敏感 (very sensitive),易发怒,易激动的人。 例如:
He has thin (或 thick) skin. (当名词用)
= He is thin-skinned (或 thick-skinnd). (当形容词用)
Many American politicians are very thick-skinned. (许多美国政客是冷静不易发怒的。 )
He would like to help his son develop a thicker skin. (他要使他的儿子变成一位比较冷静的人。 ) (来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www. 2hzz. com)
可见 thick skin 未必是咱们老中所谓「厚脸皮」「不要脸」的意思。 对老外来说,往往还是一种恭维呢! 而 thin skin 恰好又相反。
10. talk back to (someone) 与 turn (one's) back on (someone):
to talk back to someone 意思是对某人「回嘴」(to defy),多半指小孩。 而 to turn one's back on someone 系指不喜欢某人(dislike someone)。 例如:
the boy talks back to his mother all the time. (这男孩对他母亲老是回嘴。 )
Mr. Wang finally turned his back on his girl friend. (遥先生较後不喜欢他的女友。 );
至於 to be on(one's)back about(something)又有对某事「唠叨」(nagging)的意思。 例如:
His mother is always on his back about diet. (他妈妈常为了饮食对他唠叨。 )
11. You make my day 与 make my day:
You make my day 意思是你使我很高兴(You make me feel good; you make me very happy. ) 。 例如:
Thank you for your compliments;you really have made my day. (谢谢你的夸奖,你让我高兴遥了。 )
You are so wonderful;you always make my day. (你实在太好了,你时时令我愉快。 )
通常主词可用任何代名词,也可用任何动词时态。 例如:
I have made her day.
We made their day. (但 day 後面不加 s)
I hope I made your day yesterday.
You may think you have made our day. (day 不用多数)
然而 make my day(前面不加代名词)意思是「你敢的话,就做吧! 」这本是来自影片的对话。 例如:
Go ahead, make my day! 意思是,假如你敢的话,我就奉陪一切
= if you are daring to do it, I will be happy to react it.
The murderer said to the police, “make my day! ” 凶手对遥说:「要遥我就遥吧! 」
12. Wife(husband)of (40) years 与 (40) -year-old wife(husband):
前者是 idiomatic expression,系指夫妻结婚持续的时间(refer to marriage duration between husband and wife)而後者是指夫妻真正的年龄。 例如:
His wife of 20 years called him a“watchdog. ”(结婚已经廿年的太太称他为「守望者」。 )
= His wife to whom he has been married for 20 years called him a“watchdog”.
His 30-year-old wife loved him very much. = His wife , 30, loves him very much. (年纪卅岁的太太很爱他。 )
Her husband of five years received a letter from his former girl friend. (结婚五年的老公收藏一封过去女友的信件。 )