商务英语:出差OnBusiness出差是再常见不过的商务活动。 出差之前,一定要拟定好详细的日程安排,并提前订好票和旅馆,以便使行程更紧凑,提高出行效率;如果出国的话,则还要注意办好遥。 (来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www. 2hzz. com)
A: Mary, I'm planning a trip to Chicago and Denver, with Los Angeles as a final destination. I'd like you to make the necessary arrangements for me. /玛丽,我要到芝加哥、丹佛,较后到洛杉矶出差,请你给做一个必要的行程安排。
B: Certainly, sir. How would you like to go? /好的,先生。 您打算怎么走?
A: I'd like to go by train from here to Chicago and spend two days there. Then I'd like to fly to Denver for a stay of two nights. I want to go on to Los Angeles by plane for an indefinite stay of three or four days. /我先坐火车到芝加哥,在那待2天。 然后,我乘飞机到丹佛,在那待两个晚上,较后乘飞机到洛杉矶,在那待3天或4天。
B: I'll get in touch with the railroad and airline passenger representations immediately. Do you still want a bedroom? /我马上就和火车站及机场的接待员联系。 您还是订卧铺票吗?
A: Yes. And please make sure the train has a club car and a dinner. /是的,要确定火车上有娱乐车厢和餐车。
B: When do you plan to leave? /您打算什么时候走?
A: I expect to depart for Chicago on Monday, May 6th, any time after12:00 noo. I'll spend the evening of the 6th and all day the 7th there. I'll leave on the 8th, on either a late afternoon or an early evening flight for Denver. I want to be in Denver all day May 9th. I plan to leave for Los Angeles on an early morning flight on the 10th. Please book an open return flight from Los Angeles to New York. /我希望5月6号,星期一去芝加哥,中午以后什么时间都可以。 6号晚上和7号全天我将在芝加哥。 8号乘下午晚些时间或晚上早些时候的班机去丹佛。 9号一天我在丹佛。 我计划10号乘早班飞机去洛杉矶。 请帮我预订一张从洛杉矶纽约的不限日期的回程机票。
B: Will you fly first class as usual, sir? And where shall I make hotel reservation? /您还是订头等舱的票吗? 我给您在哪预订酒店?
B: Yes, first class. I've been quite satisfied with the hotels I've used as lodging before in these cites. Please make reservation for me at those places. Get all the information together, and please report back to me as soon as possible. /是的,头等舱。 我对以前到这些城市时所住过的酒店都很满意。 还是预订这几家酒店吧。 请你把所有的资料都弄好,然后尽快向我汇报。