MEAS,MEASMT=measurement MEMO=memorandum M/F=male/femail(for animal by products BIZ) MFD=manufactured MFG=manufacturing MFR=manufacturer MGR=manager MIN=minimum MISG=missing MKR=maker MKT,MRKT=market MNTIME=meantime MON=Monday MRNG=morning,good morning MSG=message MSTK=mistake M/T,MT=metric ton MRT(S)=meter(s) MUSTB=must be M/V,m. v. =motor vessel N=and N/A=nonacceptance NAR=now arriving NV,N. B. nota bene(note well) NEC,NEGTN=negotiation NEGO=negotiate NIL=noting NITE=night NLT=not later than NNNN=end of massage signal NO,NBR,NR=number NOV=November N. R. T. =net registered tonnage NTD=noted NU=new N/W,NTWT,NWT=net weight NXT=next NY=New York NZ=New Zealand