助你成为招聘会遥手货的10个遥招(来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www. 2hzz. com)
1. Develop a commercial. You have 30seconds to get an employer interested in you. If you can't,they'll move on. Practice a 30-second commercial to introduce yourself and your career goals. Be short and concise,but add a specific instance to grab attention. The following is how an American student sellsherself at a career fair.
Hello,Ms. Smith. I'm Samantha Ward and I've been interested in Omega Tron ever since I read that Business Week article about your new multimedia software program. I'm a computer science major with an art minor,and I'm really excited about combining these two interests. I've actually developed an interactive educational program to teach children how to draw. Would you like to see a copy of the website I designed?
1. 做商业广告。 你有30秒种的时间让某位雇主对你感兴趣。 如果你不能,他们会另寻他人。 准备一个30秒钟的广告介绍你自己和你的事业目标。 简洁明了,但要有具体的例子抓住对方的注意力。 以下例子是一位美国学生如何在人才招聘会上推销自己。
您好,史密斯女士。 我是萨曼莎沃德。 自从在《商业周刊》上读到那篇有关你们新的多媒体软件程序的文章后,我一直对贵公司OmegaTron感兴趣。 我主修计算机科学,辅修艺术,而将这两种兴趣结合会让我兴奋不已。 实际上我已设计了一个互动教育程序,教孩子如何画画。 您想不想看看我设计的网址?
2. Look professional. Always remove tongue or eyebrow piercings3)(no more than one earring in each ear),and hide tattoos. Once you know the culture of the company,then you can start to add(or not)these items to your morning toilette. It' s always better to err on the side of caution and be more conservative4) than less.
2. 看上去具有职业形象。 把舌环或眉环拿掉(每只耳朵上只戴一个耳环),遮盖住纹身。 一旦你清楚了某公司的文化后,你才可以在早晨化妆时增加(或不增加)这些装饰。 因谨慎出岔儿总比因大胆出岔儿好,保守总比过于遥稳妥。
3. Bring at least 50resumes. Cover letters are not necessary at the fair,but don't risk running out of5) resumes.
3. 带上至少50份个人简历。 首页介绍在招聘会上并非必备,但也不能冒缺少简历的危险。
4. Bring a bag,a notebook and a pen. The bag is to carry literature and giveaways6)。 The notebook should be professional with space for safekeeping of those resumes(no crumbled copies,please. )and a pad7) for notes. Bring two pens——just in case.
4. 携带一个书包,一个笔记本和一支笔。 书包用来装文献和赠品。 笔记本应该是办公用的,有足够的地方妥善保存你的个人简历(请不要递上皱巴巴的简历。 ),还有一个便笺簿。 带两支笔以备万一。
5. Get enough rest. Get a good night's sleep so you're rested and energized for the fair. Eat a good meal before you go to prevent tummy grumbles while you chat.
5. 休息好。 头天晚上睡好觉让你自己得到充分休息,以便精力充沛地赴人才招聘会。 去之前还要吃好饭,以遥与雇主交谈时你的肚子饿得咕咕叫。
6. Do your homework. Check out the websites of the participating companies so you're familiar with them and what they are looking for.
6. 做好应聘准备。 上网搜寻参加招聘会的那些公司的资料,以便熟悉它们,知道它们在寻找怎样的雇员。
7. Arrive early. Career fairs attract hundreds,some times thousands of people. Get there early,grab the directory,and plan your attack.
7. 提前到达。 人才招聘会往往会吸引数以百计,乃至千计、万计的人前往。 争取早到,遥得一份目录单,计划你的主攻目标。
8. Start in the back. Many people get stuck in the stampede at the front. Make your way to the back where there are representatives waiting for someone to appear.
8. 反其道而行之。 许多人陷入前门拥挤慌乱的人群中难以脱身。 你不妨径直走向后门,那里有代表们在等候来访者的出现。
9. Pick up literature and a business card. Take literature you know you'll read from companies you're interested in. Otherwise your arm will ache carrying around all that stuff. Don't forget a business card so you can follow up with the recruiter later. Jot8) down on the back some notes about your conversation.
9. 拿宣传品和商务名片。 只拿那些你感兴趣的公司的宣传品,因为你会阅读它们,否则背着一书包各公司的宣传品走来走去会让你胳臂酸痛。 不要忘记拿商务名片,因为日后你可以跟招聘人士联系,在名片背面记下一些你们交谈的内容。
10. Show your interest. Give a firm handshake and smile with eye contact. That's a great first impression that shows confidence. Ask questions. Nothing is more boring than a one-sided conversation. Send a thank-you note. To make a real impression,send it soon after the fair to the companies that most piqued9) your interest. Follow up. Don't wait for companies to call——call them first. Set up informational interviews or a company tour.
10. 表达你的兴趣。 握手要有力,直视对方带以微笑。 这是表现信心遥好的遥印象。 要问问题。 没有什么比一方侃侃而谈,一方沉默无语的交谈更没意思了。 会后寄份感谢卡。 若想真给人家留下印象,招聘会后马上将感谢卡寄给那些激起你兴趣的公司。 主动做后续工作,不要等着公司给你打电话先给他们打,商定情况介绍或参观公司等事宜。
career fair 人才招聘会