在办公事务中,怎样回答没有把握的事情?在办公事务中,若有客户向你咨询一件你没有把握的事情,你该如何回答呢? 我们看看下面这位是怎么回答的吧! (来源:http://www. 2hzz. com)
A: Good morning. Can I help you?
B: Good morning. Is this Modern Office Ltd. ?
A: Yes it is.
B: I'm Mike & C. Ltd. I want to know if our order is in shipment.
A: I'm afraid I'm not sure on that. Is there a number where you can be reached?
B: Yes, 852-3432. How soon can you get back to me?
A: I should be able to get this information for you by this afternoon. I'll call you as soon as I know.
B: All right. Please leave a message with my secretary if I'm not in.