

Memento - 引起回忆的东西

2025-01-27 01:24:02浏览:
Memento - 引起回忆的东西Memento Versus Momento (来源:英语学习门户网站2hzz.
com) Christine C.
asked whether the correct spelling is memento or momento.
She says her dictionary shows both.
My sources say that although the word is sometimes spelled with an o, the correct spelling is memento.

A memento is a keepsake, a reminder of an event or a person.

Memory Trick

Note that memento, is spelled like memory and remember.
A memento is something to help you remember a happy or important memory.

memento [me'mentəu]

  • n.
  • a reminder of past events
  • [ 复数mementos或mementoes ] [例句]
    A special memento from a memory that means something to you?


    momento [məu'mentəu]

  • n.
  • [ 复数momentos或momentoes ]