Top Up 充值
Has your phone run out of credit?
Helen: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Helen.
Zoë: Hi, 你好吗? 我是刘佳。 欢迎收听地道英语。 (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www. 2hzz. com)
Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary. -- end_story -->Zoë: So what is today’s new phrase, Helen?
Helen: Today we’re going to look at the verb to top up.
Zoë: Top up?
Helen: That’s right. Top - T. O. P. Up – U. P. Top up.
Zoë: Top up 说的是什么呢, Helen?
Helen: Generally speaking to top up means to refill a container until it is full again.
Zoë: Right. 一般来说,top up 是个动词,表示把一个容器填满,就是续杯的意思。
Helen: Exactly. But in recent years to top up has come to mean putting more credit into a mobile phone account or a public travel card.
Zoë: 遥这个词又扩大了应用的范围,比如给手机充值,或者给公共交通卡充值,等等。
Helen: You’ve got it. Insert
A: My mobile phone is out of credit.
B: Here, use mine. I topped up my phone this morning.
A: Thanks.
Zoë: 如果我给我的手机充值,就是我往我的手机帐户里续存了遥。 对吗?
Helen: That’s correct.
Zoë: Where can I top up my phone in the UK, Helen?
Helen: Topping up your mobile phone is very easy in the UK. You can buy a top-up card in most newsagents or supermarkets.
Zoë: 这么简单,我只要去超市或者路边的报亭商店就可以买到充值卡了吗?
Helen: It’s that easy. Or you can top up your mobile phone on the internet – just go to the website and buy credit for your phone with your credit card.
Zoë: 好啦,让我们来复习一下。 To top up 就是给手机或者公共交通卡充值。
Helen: Well I’m afraid we are out of time again. So don’t forget to join us next time on BBC Learning English.
Zoë: Bye for now.