

Communication terms of 1934

2025-01-26 01:25:17浏览:
Communication terms of 1934Word for the Wise February 26, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Communication terms of 1934 It was on this date in 1934 that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the creation of the Communications Commission.
Less than four months later, that commission was codified into the Federal Communications Commission and charged with regulating interstate and foreign communication by wire or radio (and for other purposes).
com) So if you were interested in making the case that 1934 might be viewed as an important year in communications, does our lexicon offer any supporting evidence?
It was, in fact, the year the nouns audio and talkathon first appeared in print.
1934 also was the birth year of the rerun (sorry, but someone had to come up with a name for it sometime) and of the electrical storm.
Before then, electrical storms were known simply as thunderstorms.
That was also the year the verbs audition and deice first appeared in print.
Communication folks in cold climes appreciate the importance of deicing; communication workers everywhere value transceivers, patchboards, and tweeters, too.
And yes, those four terms—audition, transceiver, patchboard, and tweeter—all date to 1934.
We'll close by answering a question we're sure is just hovering in the airwaves.
If tweeter entered the lexicon in ‘34, when did woofer come in?
The answer?
It took another year before woofer was spotted in print.