Charles DarwinWord for the Wise November 22, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Charles Darwin On November 22nd, 1859, Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. (来源:英语学习门户 http://www. 2hzz. com)The book itself evolved, and the naturalist Darwin produced six editions over the next dozen years. Charles Darwin himself did not apply the word evolution until the 1872 edition; he favored natural selection, a term that first appeared in print in 1857, two years before his book first saw print. Natural selection, by the way, contrasts with artificial selection, by which a farmer or breeder selects particular stock. One phrase long associated with Charles Darwin is actually credited—by Darwin—to his contemporary, philosopher Herbert Spencer. Survival of the fittest appeared in the 1869 edition of The Origin of Species; Spencer had put the phrase into print five years earlier, when he applied Darwin’s concept of natural selection to economics. The precision of words is important to biologists, who nowadays avoid survival of the fittest as a tautology; within the scientific community, natural selection has survived.