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com) But after the cry, Melissa could not hear anything, either from
She wanted to touch something around to check where she was.
However, there seemed to be something wrong!
Now she feels somewhat like that, just no view but darkness.
” she murmured, and wondered, “Maybe a feather knows more about its surroundings than I do.
Thank Goodness!
She could still think and feel.
Now it was just like when she was too lazy to get up and lying in the bed daydreaming.
But this time, she would rather she was dreaming.
Why is here drowned in darkness?
Why could not she feel her body?
And, where is
” A sound suddenly came.
Or say, kind of that message just came to her mind.
But she did not notice that at all.
For her she was listening, as she thought she was seeing.
She was too busy thinking to notice that in fact she was not listening, but feeling.
Melissa tried to look around while she could see none.
You no longer get eyes here, as you no longer own a human body.
” Melissa had never felt more surprised than now.
If the silvery white world was a wrong place to go, this place could not be anything right either.
Maybe further beyond her imagination.
It seems to be a black hole, a place before the big bang that gave birth to our universe.
That was not so easy.
She had to calm down herself first, as she did in Yoga exercise.
Was it a cloud or a light of energy?
Who knows!
But how about herself?
Was she same?
” The voice sounded again.
Told by energy again?
Well, the world seemed to stretch out as she quieted her mind and felt again, and even seemed to be crowded.
Flashes of energies rushed to all directions.
Maybe as quick as the light, though some of them just ran crazily in a very small circle!
What were they doing here?
If they could just stop for a moment, they could make a dreamy starry night.
It was not so wonderful to be among the busy stars.
” Melissa thought out that question.
Just observe the energies and figure things out.
” The message continued, “You are among the seldom ones who could stop for a thinking before running to nowhere.
It has been a long time since I last found someone hanging there to chat.
And yours?
We are just what we are, as a whole part.
So she shot the question that hovered in her mind.