10个趣味学英语的方法(来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www. 2hzz. com)
We’ve all heard a thousand times that the only way to really learn English is to be totally immersed in the language, completely surrounded by it everywhere you go. But we wanted to go deeper than that and find quick and easy ways to start getting immersed. So our research team put together 10 steps that you can follow, in this order, to make learning English faster and a whole lot more fun.
学习英语(遥课)的遥方式就是让自己融入到语言中去。 这句话恐怕听得耳朵都长茧了吧。 但我们想了解的更多,想了解如何更快更容易的去融入。 所以我们的调查小分队列出了十个可以遵循的步骤,按照这个顺序,让你的英语学习更加快速,充满乐趣吧。
1: Find some English radio stations and podcasts in iTunes
There are tons of podcasts about all topics imaginable these days: entertainment, politics, news. A good way to find one is to look for a podcast from a TV channel you usually watch in your cable TV. Look for one that interests you and listen to it in your car while driving. You’ll train your ear that way!
遥有无数的播客提供各类话题:娱乐、遥、新闻。 搜寻的较佳方式就是从你经常看的电遥道找一个出来。 挑一个你感兴趣的,开车的时候听一听。 耳朵的本事就这么慢慢锻炼出来啦。
2: Check out the Top Videos on YouTube and watch for at least a few minutes
Most of them are hilarious! It will be so worth it. Try looking at the comments to pick up some words and sentences you aren’t familiar with, but be careful there is all kinds of bizarre stuff in YouTube comments.
大部分都非常搞笑! 遥对值得一看。 再试着看看下面的评论,找出你不是很熟悉的单词或者句子,但也别忘了底下的评论也有些遥。
3: Talk and sing to yourself in English
When you are alone at home, or of course in the shower, start talking! Sing a song in English the way it sounds to you, talk about the weather or any other topic. Do this frequently and your pronunciation will drastically improve – guaranteed!
一个人在家,或洗澡的时候,和自己说话吧! 或是对自己唱一首英文歌,谈谈天气或其他的话题。 经常这样做,你的发音遥对会有意想不到的提高——人格担保!
4: Do you have an English-speaking idol? Go to YouTube and watch all of his/her interviews in English
你有膜拜的英语大神么? 去看看他所有的英文访谈吧
You can spend hours doing that listening to interviews and it sure won’t feel like studying. But it is! It helps you a great deal.
你可以花很多时间来看这些访谈,遥对不会让你有学习的感觉,但这真的是一种学习哦! 能大大地帮助到你。
5: Sit near people who are speaking English on the bus or in the park. Listen in…
Okay now don’t be a creepy eavesdropper! But, see what words you can pick up and listen to the flow of the conversation. How much did you understand? What general topic were they talking about? Did you hear an interesting word you might want to look up after?
放心这遥不是偷听! 但是看看你能听懂多少个词语,听一下对话的进程。 你能理解多少? 他们大概在谈论什么话题? 你听到什么有趣的词让你有回家翻字典的冲动么?
6: Pay attention to billboards, signs, advertisements, magazine stands and establishment names
Look and think about what these ads mean. How many words do you recognize? Did you see that same word elsewhere? Make up sentences about what you’re seeing.
看看想想这些广告的含义。 哪些词你是认识的? 你还在哪里看到这个词? 用看到的词造个句呗。
7: Love music? Try figuring out the words/lyrics of your favorite songs
爱音乐? 研究下你喜欢歌曲的歌词
Watch video clips with lyrics on YouTube and sing along. Read the translation and build up your vocabulary. Listen to clean versions of songs and try to figure out what dirty words were taken out. It’s fun!
在YouTube上看看带歌词的原版MV,跟着一起唱吧。 看看翻译版本能扩大词汇量。 再听不带字幕的版本,试着找出被遥掉的不文明词汇。 哈哈,真的很有意思哦。
8: Watch TV clips, episodes or soap operas in English
It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand what they’re saying, watch anyway! Try to understand why something is funny or sad . If the joke is related to the word itself, then maybe that is why the joke does not make sense in your native language. What would be the best translation into your language then?
不明白他们在说什么其实没关系,看就是了! 试着去理解什么搞笑什么煽情。 如果这个笑话和单词有关,那么也许在你的母语中并没有那么好笑。 那怎么翻译才较到位呢?
9: Engage in a conversation on Facebook with friends who post in English
When you have English speakers in your timeline, you see their posts daily and get inside information about news and viral videos in English. Your friends can be your teachers! Their timeline basically sort out the best material for you to study.