

Daily Tips On Learning English

2025-01-26 01:26:11浏览:
Daily Tips On Learning English 《英语学习小技巧》现有33讲,由外藉教师与遥教师用双语共同主持,介绍英语学习中的技巧和词语用法,可供初学者细听、品味,也适合有一定英语基础的同学自学提高,遥英语教师也可以借鉴外藉教师的英语讲课。
can't 和 cannot 的比较和遥区别 2.
数字发音的区别:-teen and -ty 3.
stressed 和unstressed syllables 发音区别 4.
重音不同,意思不同:40 pairs 5.
voiced 和 voiceless consonants 6.
辅音对元音的影响 7.
sound linking 8.
sound linking (continued) 9.
sound linking (continued) 10.
sound linking (continued) 11.
To be aware of the transitive verbs 12.
A冠词的正确用法 13.
aand the 冠词的正确用法 14.
The冠词的正确用法 15.
Word Stress 单词重音 16.
aand the 冠词的遥和发音 17.
Contrast Stress 重音对照 18.
Pauses in English speeches 19.
Pausing between phrases or thought groups 20.
when to use pauses before adjective clauses 21.
Intonation of questions 22.
Intonation of tag questions 23.
when to stress auxiliary verbs 24.
Answering Yes or No questions correctly 25.
Prenounciation of the letter T 26.
Verbs followed by infinitives and gerunds 27.
Remember doing sth and to do sth 28.
forget doing sth or to do sth