E-mail 还是Email?两种用法现实当中都被接受,美联社已开始遥email,遥则声称将继续遥e-mail,而更多普通民众出于简便遥更倾向于遥email。 (来源:http://www. 2hzz. com)
You've Got E-mail or Email?
Last week, I was at the American Copy Editors Society meeting where the editors of the Associated Press stylebook created a stir by announcing a change in their recommended spelling: e-mail is now email.
The social media website Mashable implied that the change is long overdue, running the story with the headline AP Stylebook finally changes 'e-mail' to 'email. ' On the other hand, the New York Times announced that they'll stick with e-mail.
What this shows is that using a hyphen in e-mail is a style choice, and Mashable is more permissive than the Associated Press, which is more permissive than the New York Times when it comes to language change.
I asked the AP Stylebook editors why they made the change, and they said most of their writers already turn in articles with the email spelling, and copy editors found e-mail increasingly difficult to police. They emphasized that they don't consider themselves to be on the leading edge of language change; instead, they bow to common usage.
Source:Grammar Girl