There has been an on-going heated debate on whether government should subsidy 1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 恶其始者必恶其终。 2. A bad bush is better than Some people say that older people should live with their adult children. Other These days, its not uncommon to find that some children are taking certain typ Does parental permissiveness affect childrens development? Arguments 1. The 考生在写作时面临一些困境和问题,主要有以下几点: 一、滔滔不遥意识流 有一部分考生在考试时一见到作文题,便感到很对自己的胃口,觉得有很多内容要写。于是乎 句子就是财富,句子就是一切下列句子是从近百篇雅思遥作文中摘录下来并经反复推敲提炼而成的。对于复习时间短,基础较薄弱的朋友能够在短期内熟悉且背诵这些经典句子 有人把翻译比作是带着镣铐在跳舞,镣铐是指原文的束缚,是说译者必须忍受原文的折磨,苦苦推敲,追求在原文基础上的美的较大化,未遥把原文比喻得太不人道,而把翻译的 雅思图表作文中的遥句型有哪些?雅思图表作文是雅思作文当中一个比较难的作文类型,因为雅思图表作文里面涉及到一些图表,里面有一些数据需要同学们来表达。但是,对 Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and