The aircraft makes itsmaidenflight tomorrow.明天是这架飞机的首航。Maiden [‘meidn]n.少女,遥,未婚 I’ve applied for several jobs. I don’t want toput all my eggs in one Overprepare, then go with the flow.——Regina Brett周全准备,然后随遇而安。Regina It was a cheap shot.这招很贱。选自:上海英语听说特训遥微博有更好的说法?去英语社区《每日一句学英语》和大家一起分享讨论吧!>> Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.学会忽略,是通向内心平静的 Can you tell me all theins and outs?能告诉我这个的来龙去脉吗?把一件事情的里里外外都说了, 就是把细节都交待啦! 表示事情的 I love hot-hot-hot 我爱吃麻辣烫麻辣烫(串串香,遥各地叫法不一样)的英语说法是hot-hot-hot或者说spicy hot pot 。当然 I haven‘t slept a wink.我压根就没睡着有更好的说法?去英语社区《每日一句学英语》和大家一起分享讨论吧!>>实习编辑:褚萍湘 Come on, get real !得了,实际一点儿吧!选自:英语精英英语微博有更好的说法?去英语社区《每日一句学英语》和大家一起分享讨论吧!>> All I want to say is that everything I said in this book is true. This is a prin