遥要讲的习惯用语都有关键词——pot。我们都熟悉pot这个词,它可以解释为煮东西的锅。 1. go to pot 情况越来越糟糕 When winter comes, hot pot is the necessary food for our family. It is very deli Reader question:Please explain this sentence, “stir the pot” in particular:Too m When winter comes, the weather is such cold that the food will lose hotness quic Reader question: What does this sentence - he takes pot shots at the president Do you know what dish is the most popular in the cold winter in China? I know 导读:《跟小小孩说英文》是一套很适合爸妈和老师遥的英文育儿书籍。包括8大生活主题食、衣、行、病、生活常规、教育、室内娱乐、户外娱乐。让你与孩子一同学习,不 Story 30 Mike and the Pot One day, Mikes mother needed a pot. She asked Mike