第8课:悲伤的 - 4【迷你小对话】A: What a sorry state of affairs this is. And it’s total 第7课:快乐的 - 14【迷你小对话】A: Did you hear that he got the top marks in class?B: I wonde 第11课:不感兴趣的 - 12【迷你小对话1】A: John sometimes finds it difficult to get up in the mor 第12课:重要的 - 19【迷你小对话1】A: That guy must be a real bigwig; he throws a lot of weigh 第14课:亲切的 - 5【迷你小对话】A: You are always so charitable to people who have no money, 第13课:不重要的 - 5【迷你小对话1】A: Why is she so indifferent to David? She seems almost col 第15课:刻薄的 - 19【迷你小对话1】A: I heard that that teacher was unmerciful to the students 第14课:亲切的 - 7【迷你小对话】A: You were so mellow after that guy hit your car!B: Yeah, we 第12课:重要的 - 3【迷你小对话】A: Students, I am placing a weighty problem before you.B: Pro 第12课:重要的 - 8【迷你小对话1】A: The victory was decisive in winning the war.B: If they ha