第21课:怯懦的 - 1【迷你小对话】A: Jane is a rather timid person and was apprehensive about r 第20课:勇敢的 - 11【迷你小对话1】A: Was Agatha present at the fight?B: She was a martial pre 第21课:怯懦的 - 16【迷你小对话1】A: Why didn’t you go to have your acupuncture treatme 第20课:勇敢的 - 15【迷你小对话1】A: Were you scared when you were left all alone on the moun 第18课:慷慨大方的 - 9【迷你小对话1】A: Your generous, openhanded giving has warmed the hearts 第19课:吝啬的,贪婪的 - 6【迷你小对话】A: Lisa did not bring a birthday gift to the party. I thi 第18课:慷慨大方的 - 2【迷你小对话】A: Mr. Smith seems so unselfish when it comes to working wi 第21课:怯懦的 - 8【迷你小对话】A: Jane was uptight about riding the roller coaster.B: Yeah, 第20课:勇敢的 - 8【迷你小对话】A: I saw her standing there on the ledge of the building and 第18课:慷慨大方的 - 3【迷你小对话】A: Your parents have to be some of the most charitable peop