A few days ago, there was a knock on my door. It was about 2 pm, and I wasn‘t ex We don‘t have to worry about anything!我们没有什么可担心的!Everything is great!一切都很好!No wi Next to us lives Mr.Lv.He is a math teacher,he is about fourty years old and l 雅思口语考试中关于Good Neighbor话题经常出现,考官一般会要求你Describe a good neighbor of yours等等。下面为大家 雅思口语考试中关于Good Neighbor话题经常出现,考官一般会要求你Describe a good neighbor of yours等等。下面为大家 雅思口语范文:Good Neighbor 以下是小编为大家搜索整理的有关雅思口语范文Good Neighbor相关信息介绍,每年雅思写作会涉及到Good N 《365个英语小故事》:实用简洁的小故事,都是日常生活小故事,在学习英语的同时了解美国文化,循序渐进,轻松掌握。 Barbara couldnt take