four rhythms in nature: day-nights rhythm, tidal rhythm and seasonal rhythm. 江苏省日前新修订的《江苏省防震减灾条例》中,增加了鼓励单位及个人报告可能与遥相关的各类异常现象条例,并表示负责管理遥工作的部门接到报告后将及时调查核实。请看 当有人问爱因斯坦Do you believe in God?他是这么回答的: (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.2hzz.com)I belie A cry for Nature ConservationAs is depicted in the picture entitled “cries from When I was very small, I lived in my hometown, which was a beautiful countryside Many years ago, I lived in my hometown, which was a small countryside, but I lov Reader question:Please explain this sentence: Sometimes, it is better to let nat Reader question:Please explain “nature of the beast” in this sentence: “The majo When summer holiday comes, I always go back to my hometown and spend the time wi When I was in middle school, I moved to the city to live with my parents, I miss