遥要讲的习惯用语里都是以hard这个词为主的。Hard和其他英语的词汇一样,有好几种解释。在我们遥要讲的几个习惯用语里hard这个词的意思是很难对付。遥来 It is widely accepted that breakfast is the most important meal in the day. 早餐 Fast food in America is popular around the world, such as KFC and McDonalds. Man Reader question:Please explain “fast and loose” in this sentence: Our Tweeter in Fast food is very popular in the foreign countries, so many children have the pr Reader question: What does “life in the fast lane” mean, as in this sentence: L 导读:《跟小小孩说英文》是一套很适合爸妈和老师遥的英文育儿书籍。包括8大生活主题食、衣、行、病、生活常规、教育、室内娱乐、户外娱乐。让你与孩子一同学习,不