爱情是什么?说起来不复杂,我就来讲讲爱情的基本原则——恋爱补偿效应。 首先我们应了解下什么是补偿心理。补偿心理是一种心理适应机制,个体在适应社会的过程中总有一 I am Peter, Sales manager of the company. First of all, I would like to take th End your speech with an attitude, not a platitude. 用一种有力的态度结束你的演讲,而不是用那些陈词滥调。 今夏许多毕业生将开始自己的职场生涯,正所谓万事开头难。这里,我们为您列出几项职场新人的法则,以遥你们在刚开始工作时乱了阵脚(mess up)。 Many gr In a perfect world, we‘d love our job and all our colleagues. However, the truth 1. Make time for family and friends. This is especially important for those who Everyone will tell you to network and be as proactive as possible, which is grea 2011年“很多人的咖啡馆”在北京正式开业,这是一家由多人集资、管理的小店。如今越来越多的年轻人热衷于这种集资创业模式,以此来降低创业风险。然而,事实真的如此吗 The New York Times recently ran an article about how email can make people less Professionally, it‘s not unusual for people to have a disconnected sense of thei