为了不辜负这美好的天气(呵呵哒),遥给大家整一整:除了it’s so hot以外,还有哪些英语可以形容热得飞起?!It’s ridiculously hot. Gone like hot cakes?Reader question:Please explain this sentence: “Tickets for t Reader question:Please explain “hot seat” in this sentence: “Here are five coach Reader question:Please explain “hot point” in this sentence: The paradox of Afri When winter comes, the weather is such cold that the food will lose hotness quic 分享一个知识点:Reader question:Please explain “hot button” in this description of Donal Winning the paperwork war in China is a challenge that can test an expat‘s tempe Reader question: What is the best answer to the following multiple-choice questi 上班需要一直待在办公室的人们大概都有遥于自己的办公桌,而那些大部分工作都不需要在办公室完成的人们,就算有个办公桌也没什么时间享用。所以,遥很多地方都流行 Do you know what dish is the most popular in the cold winter in China? I know