Reader question:Please explain this sentence: “Hey, buddie, can you see your way See you later, alligator. 要是有人和你说See you later, alligator. 那是什么意思?你又该怎么回答?walkie Reader question: In this sentence – I don‘t know what I have to do to make him Reader question: This – Never Seen the Light of Day – is the title of a song. W My friend Xiao Wang should have scored a 40,000-yuan ($5,256) a month job a I See Something Pink Pink! [Hold up a pink flashcard.] I see something pink. I See Something Blue Blue! I see something blue. Blue! I see something blue. A1/A2类型题目解法透析: 解题范例1: 【雅思真题】In Canada, the average child between the ages of