在美国住久了,你会发现有些很简单的词组或句子,表达的却并非字面上的意思。如果理解不到位,往往会闹出笑话。比如有这么两个看似简单的说法: (来源:2HZZ常识 1.What letter is a body of water? 什么字母是水的主体? (从发音上着手) (来源:英语学习门户网站2hzz.com) 2 你曾经因为一字之差而闹笑话吗?有哪些字是你刻骨铭心的惨痛经验?你觉得有哪些关键字汇让你顿足捶胸,或茅塞顿开? 当考路的考官说pull over时,你是否会不知所 What are the most important culture differences (来源:www.2hzz.com) As we all know 面试很容易让人紧张不安。Thoughts such as What if I don‘t get any job offers?, What if I don‘ Most of us have room for improvement in our listening techniques. I encourage yo Word for the WiseJuly 10, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Words from Marcel ProustMarcel P “Life is a lie.... without an f....” Now most of us are the only children in our families.Our parents love us very mu Symptoms are similar to those of regular flu: fever along with problems such as