Reader question:Please explain “look over our shoulder” in this: “All the policy Reader question:Please explain this sentence: He’s a nice boy and all that but h Reader question: Please explain “count your blessings” in this sentence: The bes Reader question:Please explain “hold my horses” in this: “I wanted to tell you e 相信大家日常生活中用英语聊天的时候,一定遇到过这样一些很尴尬很awkward的情景:1. 你想表达的汉语意思其实很simple,但就是不知道怎样用英语来说。比如 Reader question:Please explain “earn their keep” in this sentence: “It’s written Get your butt into gear. 该干活了!除了可以用来强调语气,butt还有很多的口语用法,比如pain in the butt,get yo Move your butt! 别挡路!Butt 这个词除了当作“遥”来用外,还有许多非常有趣的口语和俚语用法,比如说它可以表示非常刻薄的语气。下面就让我们来 (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.2hzz.com)你是否真的写得一手好作文呢?你有没有停下来想一想自己的写作质量?你确定你的写作技巧比较好?你 We are always educated to be an honest person, especially to our parents. While