(来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www.2hzz.com)很多人一生气, 所有的英文都忘光了, 平常英文就说不出口, 更何况是吵架, 所以满脑子浮现的不是 Hey, Give me five (来源:www.2hzz.com)范例:Hey, Tom ! Give me five! shouted Henry, ra 1.bill (1)账单,买单。 I will pay the bill this time because last time you did it. There is a saying said that don\‘t give up forever.When I was a childmy teachers Tennis is more and more popular in China, and many teenagers have noticed this g Reader question:Please explain this sentence, particularly “won’t give him a pas Reader question:Please explain “glad hand” in this sentence: They give him the g Give it a shot 是什么意思?可不是“打一遥”哦。要表达“很努力地(做一件事)”怎么说?下面就让小编来告诉你吧。 1. Give it a shot When I meet difficulties, I will be very impatient and want to give up. Some day There is a famous song called Never Say Never, it is one of my favorite songs. T