The adult always warn us not to go swimming in the river. They are afraid we wil The stage of high school is believed to be the turning point of students’ lives. Reader question:Please explain this sentence: “While exercising, drink plenty of Reader question:Please explain this sentence: A little kindness goes a long way. "遥、有成就"怎么说?你一定会想到 success 吧,这个词是没错啦,就是显得有点平常,遥我们给大家介绍一个片语:go places。 我们来看一段对话: 我第遥出国是在大学,当时是去的澳洲,不过说澳洲有点夸张,其实只去了悉尼和堪培拉,当时印象较深的是当地的海是蓝绿遥的,我也第遥尝试了浮潜和深潜,抱着考拉亲密合 Reader question:Please explain this sentence, “go for broke” in particular: “Gor Reader question:Please explain this sentence – The trick to wearing jewelry is t Reader question:Please explain this sentence: In a healthy financial living at l I like watching TV series, especially theose about the dynasty, because I am att