亚伯拉罕.林肯盖茨堡演讲词(中英对译)Gettysburg Address(Delivered on the 19th Day of November, 186 Top 10 Nutrition and Fitness Tips Discovery Health Channel National Body Challen Word for the WiseApril 25, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Hibernate and HiberniaWith wint Word for the WiseApril 20, 2007 Broadcast Topic: NugationOur investigation was i Word for the WiseMay 29, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Two heroes of American historyTwo Word for the WiseApril 03, 2007 Broadcast Topic: KnickerbockerToday—in a r Word for the WiseMay 02, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Calling the questionRobert‘s Rule Word for the WiseMay 28, 2007 Broadcast Topic: zoologist, glaciologist, geologis Word for the WiseJune 27, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Terms of 1844It was on this date Word for the WiseMay 15, 2007 Broadcast Topic: StewardessBack on this date in 19