(来源:2HZZ常识网 http://www.2hzz.com) 元旦的英文简介:Yuandan is the first day of the lunar c 1. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。 (来源:http://www.2hzz.com)[误] With a comet like him, nothing (来源:英语学习门户网站2hzz.com)The Color of Love爱到较高点,心中无国界Although people of different et Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening (来源:http://www.2hzz.com)You might have never heard of the CERN laboratory, but China confirms third space mission will launch late todayAgence France-Presse ( ThanksgivingThanksgiving Day Observed by Canada, United States Type National Dat [Q] From Kery Gray: We had just concluded practicing for a major presentation wh (来源:2hzz.com)To much 我的热情过了火?You kept finishing all the food on your plate and 1. A cat may look at a king. (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.2hzz.com) [字面意思] 猫也可以看国遥。[解释]