Word for the WiseApril 10, 2007 Broadcast Topic: MavenWhy would someone think ma Word for the WiseMarch 19, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Presume, assume, presuppose, an Word for the WiseFebruary 07, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Sir Thomas More & Sinclair L Word for the WiseMarch 09, 2007 Broadcast Topic: VirulentA scientist friend aske Word for the WiseMarch 23, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Polka dotA friend who asked abo Word for the WiseNovember 15, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Than and fromWe were asked i Word for the WiseFebruary 15, 2007 Broadcast Topic: RecantThe annual meeting of Word for the WiseMarch 15, 2007 Broadcast Topic: NewfangledAfter we were seized Word for the WiseJanuary 04, 2007 Broadcast Topic: AntedatingThe American Histor Word for the WiseAugust 08, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Slander vs. libelMarjorie Kinn